Did Samsung buy Opera Max? or borrow?
kyu3 last edited by
Hello! I have a question. Opera Max restarted as Samsung Max. Did Samsung buy Opera Max? Or Did Samsung borrow Opera Max?
kyu3 last edited by kyu3
@leocg The google play webpage of Opera Max changed to Samusung Max webpage. And When you updated Opera Max, This app would change to Samsung Max. So, I don't think similur app.
I watched some news about this. But in these news, it was not clearly wrote that Sumsung buy or borrow Opera Max. It was only wrote that Samusung paid. But I don't know how it means. Buy? or Borrow?
Samsung saves Opera Max browser app from the deadpoolļ¼TechCrunch
https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/23/samsung-opera-max/Samsung rescues data-saving privacy app Opera Max and relaunches it as Samsung Maxļ¼VentureBeat
https://venturebeat.com/2018/02/23/samsung-rescues-data-saving-mobile-browser-opera-max-and-relaunches-it-as-samsung-max/Samsung Max is a privacy-centric browser with data saving:
http://www.itpro.co.uk/virtual-private-network-vpn/30631/samsung-max-is-a-privacy-centric-browser-with-data-saving -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I posted a link to that VentureBeat article myself previously, after having seen it posted on Slashdot. Opera had previously removed Max from the Play Store ... the unknowns at the time of the VentureBeat article was whether Samsung had actually bought it, and whether future versions would work with non-Samsung phones.