Latest Opera completely pitch black! vers 49.0.2725.47
A Former User last edited by leocg Dec 14, 2017, 2:12 AM Dec 14, 2017, 1:11 AM
Ever since I updated windows to the latest version, I turned my computer back on and continued things as usual, I went to open Opera (The only browser I can comfortably use) And it's purely white. That happens often whenever I reopen it from the computer being off or restarting.
But instead, it then turns completely black. I cannot see a single thing, but it's still operating. I can pan around with my mouse and it'll tell me sometimes what I'm on top of, like the upper left menu and minimize and close etc.
I've not done anything to the browser at all. And I cannot find a solution anywhere for this. I cannot change the settings in it as it is ENTIRELY black. I've tried Opera Neon, which does the same thing. When I go to opera's archives, the older versions work.
Anyone know any way to fix this? I'd like opera back asap! I hate chrome and i.e and every other browser. I'm so used to Opera now! (: