Opera 12.17
Deleted User last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 12:32 PM
For those, who don't understand the fixes for this update: The autoupdater had some problems with SSL. One of these was a severe security issue, where a malicious attacker could crack the SSL connection and inject malware code, running on Windows.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 1:50 PM
Opera devs removed bookmarks due to a research they made. They discovered that only a minority have used bookmarks. Search in the blog for Opera 15 and read the articles. In the latest version you can enable the bookmarks bar on settings.
The depth of the stupidity displayed here, and by Opera in general by abandoning the actual Opera browser is mind-blowing.
The sheer scale of the lie that "most people don't use bookmarks" is tantamount to saying that "people don't actually need air to breathe." It's amongst the most horrifically obvious lies ever made in the history of...anything. Bookmarks, and the URL history arrow that they removed from the address bar long before then (by default), are 2 of the primary things a browser has to do in order to be useful...at all. And trying to deny those fundamental truths - or hide behind lies about "research" you did - is nothing but an abuse of your customer base. For which there is no benefit...for anyone.
Chropera is, was, and always will be the worst thing that Opera Software ever did. And when the day comes that actual Opera, i.e. the 12.x line is no longer available, then actual web users will be forced to go elsewhere. Probably Firefox, since Chrome is as useless as Chropera.
But please...morons like you that try to assist in the spreading of such ridiculous lies like "no one uses bookmarks or the URL history arrow" aren't doing anything but displaying your own bottomless stupidity to the rest of the world. Because anyone with at least 2 brain cells to click together can spot suck blatant lies.
jito463 last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 2:11 PM
First off we have the childish use of the word Chopera. There is NO browser by such a moniker
Sure there is, it's an abbreviated form of saying "Chromium-based Opera". Just like, from now on, I'll refer to Presto-based Opera as "PrOpera". Seems fitting, somehow.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 4:12 PM
There is no Chopera. Sorry to have to continue to correct the juvenile posters who continue to whine in these forums.
Back on topic: Opera 12.17 is simply a security fix and nothing more. There will be no further development of Opera Presto. Deal with it.
bartman1 last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 6:01 PM
It's becoming increasingly tiresome to try and respond respectfully to these Opera bashers. First off we have the childish use of the word Chopera. There is NO browser by such a moniker other than your fevered minds so please... DEAL with the real world and not one of your own making. Secondly, you can hold on to Opera Presto for the foreseeable future now that the Opera team have updated the security so be happy. Go browse to your hearts' content and be happy. Why hang about here looking for every opportunity to make trouble? Or is this what can be expected of the so-called power-users: that they are essentially troublemakers? You like your Opera Presto which comes complete with everything like a Swiss Army knife and without the need for any extensions. Good for you. Be happy, I know I am with Opera 20. I apply only those extensions that I need and that suits me just fine. I enjoy its speed. I enjoy its compatibility. I enjoy the Stash, Speed Dial and Discover features. I enjoy the FACT that development will continue whereas that is not the case with the former browser which is now dead as far as future development is concerned. I enjoy the clean look of the browser. All in all... Opera has done a marvelous job in the past year and I look forward with anticipation to the coming year. The only dismal spot in this is the continued whining and crying from the Presto crowd.
Some of us enjoy or used to enjoy Opera in the same way as you enjoy Chromepera. For some of us it is a big loss, because web is a big part of our real world. If you don't understand that, you probably can go and use Chrome just the same as IE.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 6:10 PM
For some of us it is a big loss, because web is a big part of our real world.
Yes, but mourning, ranting and stranges wishes does not get the old world back. Its gone.
Otherwize you have to use such browser:
blackbird71 last edited by Apr 23, 2014, 10:48 PM
It would be useful if Opera would publish a changelog for 12.17
Probably when it is officialy released.
it appears 12.16 also has never had a changelog published yet
Thank you. I've been looking for that for some time... but I never tried the */unified path.
jito463 last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 2:37 AM
There is no Chopera. Sorry to have to continue to correct the juvenile posters who continue to whine in these forums.
Yes, because you've shown yourself to be the very image of maturity and sensibility....we should all follow your example.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 2:58 AM
If you wish to follow my lead, by all means don't let me stop you (although I'm not insisting upon it... LOL). But you SHOULD try and deal with the real world in your posts and that includes calling the browser what it IS and not what you "think" it might be or "should" be. To that end, there is an Opera Presto version and there is a Blink version. There is no Chopera or Chropera version... only in the minds of a few who are trolling and THAT is juvenile.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 3:11 AM
The war has been won, colderwinters; but the individual battles and skirmishes sadly continue. I could choose to walk away from the insistence of some of these posters and let them have the day and in so doing avoid a battle entirely and while peace would prevail misunderstanding would carry the day. For the simple reason that I don't want that to occur, I choose to call a spade a spade (i.e. the browser by its real name) knowing it will incur their wrath. My salvation is in knowing that ultimately peace and understanding will ensue for the simple reason that I stated earlier: the war has already been won; they just haven't accepted it yet.
pjk0 last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 9:48 AM
Hmm, I like this "Chopera" name, it's appropriate.
I'm one of the people who thinks Opera Next stinks.
I see virtually nothing of use with it that anything else does not have, and they removed 85% of the things that made Opera wonderful.
Personally I think if they wanted a simple toy browser for simple toy people, they should have kept all the original features internally but defaulted the browser to "stupid mode", where it looks just like the new one.
If you needed a REAL browser, you could click a discreet button, whereupon you would be presented with a math test: to add 2 + 2. If you answered the correct answer of "4", you get to use the traditional features.
Opera 12 has the BEST bookmark feature of any browser. Opera whateveritisthisweek has the WORST bookmark functionality of any browser.
You want me to put thousands of bookmarks in "speed dials"??? AH HAH AHAHAHA AHHAHAHA!!
And that's just for starters.
hucker last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 9:54 AM
Oh and how do you subscribe to a forum thread? This whole thing has ben drastically Mac-ified (simplified) since I was last here, I can't see anything.
d1sasterp1ece last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 9:58 AM
So, do we get email and newsgroups in Chrome Opera yet?
They chopped off M2 and called it a separate application, Opera Mail.
Oh and how do you subscribe to a forum thread? This whole thing has ben drastically Mac-ified (simplified) since I was last here, I can't see anything.
Click on the star next to the thread's title.
Deleted User last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 2:52 PM
They should return full-time to working on 12.xx because everything above it is garbage and not real Opera.
lem729 last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 3:58 PM
@misteromar They should return full-time to working on 12.xx because everything above it is garbage and not real Opera.
They're a business. They can lose money. They can go bankrupt. If they lose money with Opera 12, will you chip in, raise a kitty, and help them out? It's so good of you to tell them what they ought to do,
Opera 20 is in my opinion a very FINE product. I'd be horrified if they went back to Opera 12 and oudated Presto,
Deleted User last edited by Apr 24, 2014, 4:12 PM
They should return full-time to working on 12.xx because everything above it is garbage and not real Opera.
Don't be so silly. Deal in the real world. Opera 20 is their browser of choice AND it is the future whether you like it or not. And if you (and some other whiners here on the forum) don't like it, then you have the choice of using the older version OR finding another browser.