Very long extension moderation process
angelo2008 last edited by
Hey Opera Moderators, can you also moderate my addon?
shoopit last edited by
Dear Opera Moderators,
Can you please help expediting moderation of our new extension: shoopit-pay-less-for-travel?
ID: nenpfcnfccjcaenlehmeelmbbhkchjojThe extension was already published to chrome and edge stores. We're waiting to be published on opera before we start marketing campaign.
Shoopit Team -
tachib-shin last edited by
Hi everyone,
I am a developer. I have created an extension and uploaded them to the extension store but for Opera the browsing time is too long while the Edge Store and Firefox Addons browsed my extension
My question is how long it will take Opera to review my extension or the question is just whether it is likely to be published? I need to know the answer to create another solution for my users
Those who have experience in this please give me some advice
Extension Info:
ID: jlgcbipilnfkjgcdefmoemaaadpmjdjo
Open Source: for read!
angelo2008 last edited by angelo2008
I'd also want for you (opera moderators) to update this addon: jpgoehepfdofhfgffbpbbhkdmebppbij
I've sent this message right after I published the 1.2.0 version for my game, because of my past experience, I sent this message
programmerhat last edited by
my update to my extension hasn't been moderated for 11 days! wow!
it's badly broken, needs the update!!!!!
eliastik last edited by eliastik
@programmerhat 11 days? It's nothing. My extension (id: inkcpenknnmbcjdjngdccmmbbklcnbbk) is waiting approving its updates since 2019 (3 years!). I just gave up and proposed to my users to download the extension from the Chrome Web Store (which approve new updates within a few days). The Opera extension store is abandoned.
angelo2008 last edited by
@haterapps I think that they will guarantee to moderate our addons if we request updating our addons here. (with extension ID included)
haterapps last edited by
@angelo2008 I am updating my extension once or twice per month, and probably like me are many other people. I can’t imagine spamming this forum and notifying all users here that often.
GoTodo last edited by
The following extension is yet to be reviewed by the moderator and no response till now, kindly do the needful.
- Extension ID: igbgfmemhgoljpjjpmlbcnkplbdjegim
devartstaff last edited by
The addon has been in review for over two months
ID: ebackhigejagfphnfoeflkfndafmipoj -
ovd-app last edited by
Hello, i need a modarator to reviews my extension.
name: YouTube Video Downloader And Converter Tool
ID: eejchmfnfoihaeedbmfffhjfcojddnji
Category: Downloads
Developer: ovd-appThanks.
shadiflo last edited by
So from my understanding i have to write here to review my extension?
ID: jinmlkkpnjndpdphkegpicnkjooinihb
Category:AppeareanceThank you very much.
devartstaff last edited by
After two and a half months, there is no response.
ID: ebackhigejagfphnfoeflkfndafmipoj -
HarrisonFarrel last edited by
My plugin was Published on edge chrome firefox but it has been waiting for review for 3 weeks on opera.
OVPN | Free VPN | No Limit | FULL
ID: fpembelkdgcdakbhfcdeimgbomamocco
Chrome : [](link url)
dropcatcher last edited by
I'm waiting two months to have my add-on moderated:
ID: nagnlnlhocpalddpeobhjenafhoaifcc