Automatically enable power saver on battery power
hjstephens09 last edited by
Agreed! I assumed at first they had this option in the settings somewhere, only to learn that they haven't made it an option! I think a common sense feature moving forward is to have Power Saver on automatically when on battery power.
julesmazur last edited by
Very much agree.
I'd argue that while enabling Power Saver automatically on battery power should be an option, it should be opt-in because it modifies background tab behaviour.
ttoommxx last edited by
I agree too.
I expected it was the standard behavior of the feature once I saw the post on the Blog for the first time. -
bertec93 last edited by
Agreed! It's frustrating when I'm on battery power for some time and then just realize the battery saver is turned off
stalegjelsten last edited by
@leocg, I haven't seen a "Save battery automatically" option. Is it available in the developer browser?