Please bring back old bookmarks
tr6 last edited by
Ok, geeze. First off, no person should be telling anyone how many bookmarks they should or shouldn't have, that's just silly K. I mean
As I said, I'm enjoying the new Opera ( thanks to a few extensions ). Really though, why would the dev's bother adding the bookmarks again like it was ? Someone out there is going to try to make a good extension to do it for them. We won't be seeing a good bookmarks manager from Opera again I'm sure.
So, awhile ago, my teenagers asked "why are you using Opera? " (insert sneer here
). I was able to give them tens of reasons. Now, I can't. Have you seen how many extensions Chrome has? They're Chrome kids. I have nothing to tell them to make them want to try it. How this will get Opera get more users, I just don't get it.
Anyway, I'm sticking with Opera. Why anyone would switch from Chrome now though I'm not sure. Speed isn't everything and I agree with-
"Adding bookmark bar by Google and Opera is primitive".
Deleted User last edited by
I'm not telling you how many bookmarks you should have. Where did I say that? What I posted was an expression of my opinion that having thousands of bookmarks is ridiculous in this day and age. If you want to have several thousand bookmarks, that's your prerogative. But I believe you shouldn't expect the Opera Team to spend priority time developing such a bookmark manager that would handle thousands upon thousands of bookmarks, particularly when so few users today are so demanding.
As for giving reasons why you use Opera to others, why should you feel so compelled. I use Opera because I want to use Opera. I like its clean look. I like how fast it renders pages. I like the Speed Dial and Stash feature. I love the QAB. Discover I'm not so crazy about but I can simply ignore that feature. I love the fact that it is compatible with my favorite sites. It does what I want a browser to do. I don't need anything more and in truth, I don't need to answer another why I use the browser I use.
The "primitive" thing would be to integrate an email client and turn it back into a suite right out of the 1990's. And that is exactly what many of the old-time users what to see happen.
tr6 last edited by
Hey, my kids asked me why I use Opera ok. I said that in my post. It's not that I'm out there trying to justify to everyone why I do. It was my kids alright!
In your second paragraph, it was nice to see you had the need to justify it to everyone though. That was classic !
I also have said I'm NOT one that has thousands of bookmarks. However, in one breath you say your not telling anyone how many bookmarks they should have, and in the next, you say they are ridiculous for having so many. Perhaps you shouldn't pass judgment on other Opera users!
I said that I don't expect the "Opera Team" to make a good bookmarks manager.
I've said more than once here, I like the new opera.
None of the kids today are going to switch over to Opera though. Like it or not, they have no reason to.
Did I mention I like the new Opera! I l i k e Opera 20!! Geeze....
Deleted User last edited by
Opera rocks and when you consider how far they have come in the past several months, you have to applaud the development team.
andrey8688 last edited by
From version 15 I discovered a very good software for bookmarks called "Linkman". There is a free version too. Linkman works in Opera 20 too. Linkman can launch bookmarks in Opera, Firefox, Chrome etc. Try it.
herrpietrus last edited by
I think taht neater bookamrks extension also works well. It only doesn't let us create new folders, but i can be done via bookarks bar, we usually create folders not so often...
Deleted User last edited by
Linkman Lite is the free version mentioned by andrey8688 and found here: is a YouTube tutorial on how it works: -
A Former User last edited by
The video is work fine now in Opera 12.16 and Opera 20. Probably you just needed to refresh the page.
meridivs last edited by
I wonder if these new versions of Opera have any kind of customer input behind them. To me it looks like they're based on some sort of "we know better" kind of design...
Maybe it's time to start looking for a browser that could listen along with setting new trends.
The last Opera was a shock - I agree with the users saying that we needed Opera to be a browser we can also work with... It gives a clear picture of how much the design team care about their users.
If we would need a dumb browser like IE then why in the world we should install another dumbed-down Opera 20?!
heimwerker last edited by
I dont need any comments here from wiseguys to the extent "clean up your bookmarks" or "create new folders" .. I want ALL of my existing bookmarks back, they represent years of selecting them and keeping them in a nice an useful order.
So please, Opera: give us pour bookmarks back! The nice way of toggling them at the left side of the screen was one of the main reasons for me to use Opera !
Deleted User last edited by
I wonder if these new versions of Opera have any kind of customer input behind them. To me it looks like they're based on some sort of "we know better" kind of design...
Maybe it's time to start looking for a browser that could listen along with setting new trends.
The last Opera was a shock - I agree with the users saying that we needed Opera to be a browser we can also work with... It gives a clear picture of how much the design team care about their users.
If we would need a dumb browser like IE then why in the world we should install another dumbed-down Opera 20?!I can work with the new Opera but then, I'm adaptable and I like both challenges and learning new things. You evidently do not so many it IS time you found a new browser... something more in keeping with your brilliant mind that can't accept dumbed-down browsers.
A Former User last edited by
I like the new opera now that I have become accustomed to many of the changes. However, I do like my bookmarks and I do get tired of the likes of Leushino telling me to either get used to not having them, that I am ridiculous for wanting them or just f off to another browser. Arrogant is him.
berng last edited by
I like the new opera now that I have become accustomed to many of the changes. However, I do like my bookmarks and I do get tired of the likes of Leushino telling me to either get used to not having them, that I am ridiculous for wanting them or just f off to another browser. Arrogant is him.
He didn't say that. He said get used to it for now or use another browser. He, like most of us, assumes it will be improved. But those who insists they can't really live with this, would change to a browser that meets their needs.
The people he tells to F off are the demanding whiners.
I like the new Opera browser more than Presto due to site compatibility, fixed print issues and actual copy of text with all the formatting and links into other docs (like ODF). It was annoying having to jump to Firefox due to Presto deficiencies. However, I agree that Opera bookmarks leave a lot to be desired.
Deleted User last edited by
Thousands upon thousands of bookmarks is ridiculous
The only ridiculous guy here is you. You have no idea what these links are. If you ever worked with online manuals you would know that bookmarked links can rapidly grow. Even all people around me (colleges, family etc) use bookmarks heavily. But UI see, we are all soooooo 1990s...That very reasoning is one of the main reasons why Opera never gained much usage even during its heyday.
No the major reason is and was, that Opera had major issues every time it released a new major version. While the last major release of Opera 15 had the most devastating effects on its reputation.And here is my final question to all those silly guys which do like the new Opera: Why should anyone use a featureless copy of Chromium if anyone can use Chrome, Firefox or MS IE?
I want my old Opera features back (tab stacks, editable keyboard short cuts and B O O K M A R K S). Without these features I can use everything else than Opera. Period.
Deleted User last edited by admin
ADAMYou cannot. There is a workaround, but it will ruin your bookmark order. If you can live with that, have a look at my post here
You will still be missing a proper bookmark manager among other things.