Please bring back old bookmarks
Deleted User last edited by
We need a toggle button for the QAB. I think that would satisfy a lot of current naysayers.
jarmush last edited by
How many Folders and Bookmarks do you have? I have seen people say they have 30, 50 or even 100 Folders in their browser. My first thought is then, how and when do you REALLY have time to use all those bookmarks and folders? Maybe people should spend some time to make a good clean up in their bookmarks and folders and delete some of them. My guess is that most of your bookmarks is almost never been used.
One thing is for sure, you can not expect Opera to give you back your old Bookmarks.
christoph142 last edited by admin
We need a toggle button for the QAB. I think that would satisfy a lot of current naysayers.
Or this
herrpietrus last edited by
"Maybe people should spend some time to make a good clean up in their bookmarks and folders and delete some of them. My guess is that most of your bookmarks is almost never been used."
Maybe some people should eventually understand that not only number of bookmarks is important, maybe if they have thought for a moment they would understand that bookmarks bar consumes a lot of precious space on panoramic display, looks ugly and is much less handy than traditional bookmarks tree.
Maybe some people should stop guessing what other people need and why they keep some pages in bookmarks even if they visit these pages nor very often? It's rally annoying when someone, especially Opera devs, tries to prove that new, more simple and less complex solutions are better and neater. Now, they usually aren't.
Yes,at least QAB is needed. In Opera we don't even have key combination to open it...
berng last edited by
Maybe some people should eventually understand that not only number of bookmarks is important, maybe if they have thought for a moment they would understand that bookmarks bar consumes a lot of precious space on panoramic display, looks ugly and is much less handy than traditional bookmarks tree.
My bookmarks bar is set up as a traditional tree. Its not that hard, actually very easy. You create folders and move them into other folders to whatever you desire. Isn't that how bookmark trees are usually built?I have a 11.5 vertical by 20.75 horizontal screen monitor. Vertical space compared to horizontal space is a premium. Everyone else I know has the same aspect ratio. Yet the bookmarks bar takes up 1/25 of my vertical screen space. I wouldn't call that a lot of precious space. Maybe for you its different but then you would be special considering I've seen Opera on many other computers without the bookmarks bar taking up a lot of space.
alreadybanned last edited by
How many Folders and Bookmarks do you have? I have seen people say they have 30, 50 or even 100 Folders in their browser. My first thought is then, how and when do you REALLY have time to use all those bookmarks and folders? Maybe people should spend some time to make a good clean up in their bookmarks and folders and delete some of them. My guess is that most of your bookmarks is almost never been used.
One thing is for sure, you can not expect Opera to give you back your old Bookmarks.Yeah, it's not Opera's fault, it's yours. Get rid of your bookmarks and browsing habits and just assimilate already. smh
That's the point of bookmarks, commonly used links are what the speed dial is for. I have countless articles and quotes that I have used and still go back to from time to time that I do not need to be always in my face but I find informative and indispensable.
Deleted User last edited by
Thousands upon thousands of bookmarks is ridiculous and no one can convince me that they are ALL needed or even used on a semi-regular basis (by most people). I would venture to say that users who claim to have more than 5,000 bookmarks (and I've read several here making that claim) in all probability don't even have a working knowledge of what they have and whether or not many of those book-marked sites are even good anymore. Frankly, I think this bookmark manager issue has become over-worked and blown way out of shape. Whether Opera will ever respond to such demands is anyone's guess but my suggestion would be: there are far more important things to consider and one of those is making a browser that will appeal to the masses instead of a few, quirky, geeky users who insist that the browser be infinitely configurable to their particular requirements. That very reasoning is one of the main reasons why Opera never gained much usage even during its heyday.
nishidani last edited by
"Thousands upon thousands of bookmarks is ridiculous and no one can convince me that they are ALL needed or even used on a semi-regular basis (by most people). I would venture to say that users who claim to have more than 5,000 bookmarks (and I've read several here making that claim) in all probability don't even have a working knowledge of what they have and whether or not many of those book-marked sites are even good anymore."
I have 25 bookmarks folders, with a varying ammount of bookmarks in them; about 2,500-3,000 bookmarks in total. Some are extremely old. Some don't work (I remove them when I find them), many still do. All the folders have different themes. Some I use daily. Some I use maybe once per month or once every 5-6 months even. The important thing is that they help me remember things, addresses to various pages that provide something that is important and/or useful and/or entertaining to me. Saying I shouldn't bookmark pages that catch my fancy and I may want to revisit in the future is obnoxious in the extreme. A bookmark isn't usaful only if you use it every day or every week. A bookmark is also useful for something you may want to revisit once per year, or even once every 2-3 years. The "goldfish memory" attitude of "well, if you don't use it every day, you should just not use it" is really annoying and silly.
I have a lot of books. Hundreds, possibly even thousands of them. Suggesting I throw away the ones I haven't read in the last few weeks isn't something most people would advocate. Yet, with bookmarks the same people have no qualms about saying "throw away anything you haven't used in a month". Do most people have goldfish memory and don't want to remember anything they don't visit regularly? Possibly. Are there people who want and need to store information longer? Yep. By making it so Opera is only usable by goldfish they alienate a significant portion of their potential userbase. Saying I should remove at least half of my bookmarks to use Opera is unhelpful. Saying I don't need them is being a complete asshole.
blackbird71 last edited by
How many Folders and Bookmarks do you have? I have seen people say they have 30, 50 or even 100 Folders in their browser. My first thought is then, how and when do you REALLY have time to use all those bookmarks and folders? Maybe people should spend some time to make a good clean up in their bookmarks and folders and delete some of them. My guess is that most of your bookmarks is almost never been used.
One thing is for sure, you can not expect Opera to give you back your old Bookmarks.For the way that many of us use bookmarks, your "guess" is simply and utterly wrong.
My current bookmarks listings contain 200+ folders/subfolders and 850+ bookmarks organized by topic titles, many of which are different sub-pages of given main web-pages. For example, to track severe weather, I have over 25 US weather bureau doppler radar site URLs arranged by regional folders (some of which I keep linked from the bookmarks bar); at the same time, I have about 30 regional satellite sites of various kinds (visible, infrared, water vapor, etc) grouped in folders. Many of these URLs are identical except for certain display parameters included in each URL (to set looping, relative or absolute references, etc). Some of these sites may only be used once every few weeks, depending on the track of storms; others are used multiple times a day. Beyond that are numerous bookmarked sites conveying various upper atmospheric condition maps for various regions.
At the same time, depending on what else I may be working with, I have links to around 35 sites supporting VHDL/VHSIC design, that are used for reference, perhaps several times a year, perhaps several times a day. Then there are over 100 geophysics sites likewise used for reference whenever needed. And it goes on and on...
The problem is that many users who employ a browser as an entertainment appliance simply can't conceive that others may be using a browser as an actual tool to accomplish work. But the "lite" browser users' lack of such vision does not mean there really aren't other legitimate users who consider such features as bookmarks, comprehensive bookmark managers, and bookmarks bars to be absolutely necessary to their daily browsing. The absence of such features (and a few others) is why I currently use Firefox and Opera 12 - the new Opera simply doesn't "cut it" yet for this technical kind of browsing. Perhaps it will at some point - but that point is not now. If Blink Opera doesn't develop such features, I'm cool with that... life will go on for me, and other browsers will continue to exist that support them.
herrpietrus last edited by
Well, I only have about 200 bookmarks, perhaps fewer, organized in about 20-25 folders. I hope that with such numbers I'm not quirky, geeky user... but still bokkmark tree and side panel is way more useful to me. I suppose... not only to me.
tr6 last edited by
" Well, I only have about 200 bookmarks, perhaps fewer, organized in about 20-25 folders. I hope that with such numbers I'm not quirky, geeky user... but still bokkmark tree and side panel is way more useful to me. I suppose... not only to me."I'm much like you. Having a few hundred bookmarks, I actually thought I was a power user, I see that's not the case now.
I really miss the bookmarks from 12.16. It was really powerful. I decided to give 20 a chance, and after reading the forums, I went to the extensions and downloaded "simple bookmarks"
It's really quite good, in fact, I have never tried the "bookmarkes bar" because of it. Now guys, don't yell at me, I know it's not as good, but it makes using Opera 20 enjoyable for me. Just my 2 cents
janulina last edited by
could i do something to get my blog back? it is so important to me ..!! please!!! Help me, please.... I was invited my son in Taiwan and all my blog doesnt exist..... I am unhappy.... Help me, please....
Can you write me any adress, for help? Janulina
tr6 last edited by
Well, that's off topic here but that's ok with me. I'm sorry to say my understanding is all that is gone bye bye. I don't know if they can do something special for you, but from what I understand your screwed. I hope I'm wrong. Sorry my friend.
herrpietrus last edited by
tr6 - currently i'm using neater bookmarks for chrome... (neat bookmarks has some adds or something...?) it's... neater :). Perhaps not so powerful, but, especially old Opera design, considering how many functions Opera Presto had, was really neat and nice, right?
tr6 last edited by
herrpietrus- Thanks for the suggestion!! Us average users ( I guess that's what we are ) can find ways to enjoy the new Opera.
I'm going to stick with "simple bookmarks" for now. But I think it's great you found something that works for you too! What I really miss is the email in my browser. I really liked it. I'm keeping 12.16 just for that. I'm sticking with Opera and if you found "neater bookmarks", and it works good for you, then I think that is great!! The bookmark thing is starting to get old.
Deleted User last edited by
Today it seems that most PC users make very little use of bookmarks. Certainly having hundreds and thousands of them would be seen as obsessive compulsive and just downright ridiculous. Check outside the Opera family... check with your co-workers and younger family members. You'll find as did I that most have a few dozen at most and many have none at all outside of a speed dial group. That's today's reality but many of you are stuck in the 90's needing a suite with integrated mail (i.e. Netscape) along with a browser that can be configured endlessly including a menu bar, a side panel AND a "proper" bookmark manager to hold your 8,000 + seldom used bookmarks. Opera has seen the light and provided a sleek browser that is modern, compatible with today's sites, fast and has an awesome QAB. I think some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. This is 2014 not 1998. If Opera hopes to finally crack the 3% user base it can't go in reverse just to please a very small hardcore group.
misotropici last edited by
" Well, I only have about 200 bookmarks, perhaps fewer, organized in about 20-25 folders. I hope that with such numbers I'm not quirky, geeky user... but still bokkmark tree and side panel is way more useful to me. I suppose... not only to me."
I'm much like you. Having a few hundred bookmarks, I actually thought I was a power user, I see that's not the case now.
I really miss the bookmarks from 12.16. It was really powerful. I decided to give 20 a chance, and after reading the forums, I went to the extensions and downloaded "simple bookmarks"
It's really quite good, in fact, I have never tried the "bookmarkes bar" because of it. Now guys, don't yell at me, I know it's not as good, but it makes using Opera 20 enjoyable for me. Just my 2 centshi, I have a question for you. If in future simple bookmarks don't work with new opera release? Or it will become a payment?
Opera must have a built-in bookmarks because users don't have got fear of lost your bookmarks. -
herrpietrus last edited by
"That's today's reality but many of you are stuck in the 90's needing a suite with integrated mail (i.e. Netscape) along with a browser that can be configured endlessly including a menu bar, a side panel AND a "proper" bookmark manager to hold your 8,000 + seldom used bookmarks."
I know that some people need only facebook and one local news portal to enjoy their internet live, but I'm afraid that many people used to use internet in more advanced way. I know that some people prefer to search for something in Google time after time, but it's really a lot more handy to use bookmarks in such situations...
I suppose that many people, especially those who began their adventure with internet with Chrome don;t use bookmarks, because it's a bit unhandy. (the same situation we currently have got with recent tabs in new Opera) You have to click on menu button, find "bookmarks" on the list, wait a couple of milliseconds for your bookmarks to appear... Some people certainly consider using google as faster and more convenient, but still,I'm afraid that if you visit certain website many times, even not so often, i'ts easier to directly launch it from bookmarks than type something into search field etc... e.g. I mainly use Oxford Dictionary but still i keep Merriam-Webster in my bookmarks to access it easily. But I do it so rarely that I don't need MW in my SpeedDial... I'm sure that in 21. century most users don't like using commands... And searching again and again it's for me like using terminal instead of GUI...
blackbird71 last edited by
The idea that has been put forth repeatedly that Google (or any other search engine) is as effective as well-organized, multi-level, foldered bookmarking for web page accessing simply is incorrect for many users. Sites that have been found to be highly useful, which have been obtained over time through link-clicking trails from other sites or by reference links provided by other people, very often can only be re-found (if they appear at all) many pages deep amongst hundreds of other similarly-described (but inferior) sites when searched out via Google. This is partially, but not only, because search engines constantly re-rank their site placement locations - but "popular" does not equate to most-useful, accurate, or reliable... attributes the user may himself have applied to a particular site before he bookmarked it. The concept of Google searching works well as a staple for "whimsical" users who go out on the Internet highway to "see what they might see"... but it fails abysmally for users who seriously attempt to accomplish any kind of repetitive work using a browser and websites. For the latter user, search engines are useful for initially tracking down topical information, assuming the investment in time and false-starts is worth that effort - but they are terribly wasteful when having to be reused over and over for the great multitude of "reference" sites that may be called upon to support various "serious" activities.
The concept that a browser "should" be stripped down, fast, sleek, and feature-starved emanates entirely from the world of mobile-using hordes who only employ a browser "on-the-fly" for whimsical or impulsive browsing. Users (and have no doubt there are indeed many) who employ a desktop computer as a tool for genuine work and who do meaningful research need a browser that efficiently supports in-depth configurability and provides an array of accessible 'features' that support such work and research. Perhaps such users are "geeks" in the minds of some folks - but they exist in a vast array of occupations and locales: everywhere from agriculture to meteorology to IC design to financial investment to insurance to medical to - well, the list is truly endless. Perhaps they only constitute a few percentage points in a marketplace dominated by consumer crazes and whims, but they are a solid few percentage points - points which correspond to many millions of users worldwide. Regardless, they are a largely silent block of users, generally avoiding forums and surveys and market "flash", who only erupt in dismay once they suddenly discover a primary and valuable tool has been replaced with something unusable for what they need and especially when they are then told their usage patterns essentially don't matter and are "obsolete", "hardcore", or "geeky".
What Opera does with their browser design is entirely up to Opera... the browser is free. Whatever explanation they share with users for that design philosophy is theirs alone to provide - again, the browser is free. But for some users (or even developers) to tell other users what those other users' browsing needs actually are or ought to be is uninformed at best, and arrogant at worst.