Ugly Speed Dial without my permission
falloutboy09 last edited by
nothing more to add, despite another sigh of disbelieve.
May I ask for the statistic you raised during your trail run of this setting?Edit: even a revert to 30.0.1835.125 didn't help here. Still having this abomination of a speeddail.
sigh²Edit2: Great, now it even forgot all my passwords associated with account names. It remembers the names but not the passwords. Great, really great
sigh is not enough anymore I am getting really frigging pissed here.And of course, loading pages takes ages now, if it even loads a page. What the heck do you guys even think anymore?
A Former User last edited by admin
you can try this sure that updated bookmark is for speed dial (and not the one that is somwehere else, like in Unsorted)
lem729 last edited by
I have too many speed dial entries to change each one individually, and I don't want to go back to Opera 30 and try to prevent updates. The problem there is that your frozen in an old version. I could have lived with having a fix for the Old Speed Dial thumbnails in Opera flags. Now suddently that's too much for Opera. The SuperStart Speed Dial extension in Firefox is totally excellent, and gives you speed dial folders AND thumbnails. I'll use Firefox, have Opera as a backup and check back on it. This has to be fixed in Opera to Thumbnails for me, and I'm not changing every website entry for every update. I'm not jumping through a thousand hoops, just to use desktop Opera. The Developers have had quite a few updates where they have pushed the icons. If they have read the comments in the forum, they would have gotten the message that there was a lot of strong opposition -- that many people found it that it put the ugh in ugly. Either they don't waste their time on this forum, or they just don't care. I still like Opera Coast and Opera Mini (which I use in my IPad) so I'm not leaving Opera completely. But this desktop Opera 31 Speed Dial is now unusable for me.
falloutboy09 last edited by
correct, the amount of speeddial tiles that would have to be changed is really extensive.
Just one more nail in the coffin, and as usual I wonder why?And I wonder why there are no elaborate patch notes out there. argh
Edit: Sorry, just found that off the blog "Opera 31 speeds up by Zhenis / August 4, 2015 "
The most important change we’re introducing in Opera 31 is its startup time. Opera for computers now starts up to 70% faster in comparison to previous versions.really? is that so? how come this is the slowest loading, and slowest page opening since you changed to blink?
Well this is going to offtopic here, as kinda almost all topics on here.
yackberg last edited by
I finally could prevent Opera 30 from updating after I edited the host file. Such a pain in the ***! It shouldn't be to difficult to leave a choice like it was b4. If you are into Metro/Modern UI go for it on pads/phones but don't hate on the desktop users. Windows 8 failed on it and 8.1 and now 10 paddled back on it. I don't get it why you make the same mistake?!
tadolson last edited by
I've found the automatic update to be such a pain that I also want to be able to easily opt out of that nonsense and just update manually which is a lot easier than having it update autmatically and having to try to roll back if the new version is full of bugs and glitches.
melekeddine last edited by
Please anyone be kind and post a screen-shot about the new speed dial,I have v31 and found no difference from the previous version except for the change of discover.I litterally have no I idea what's all this about.
lando242 last edited by
These people were using the old speed dial that was last the default several of versions ago. When they first added the 'experimental' speed dial there was an option to stick with the old one, which is what they did. Well, they weren't reading the writing on the wall that the old speed dial was gonna go away and now they are butthurt about it being gone. That said, if you installed Opera fresh anytime between then and now you've been rolling with the 'experimental' speed dial as the default. So this MASSIVE CHANGE OMG ITS HORRIBLE that these people have been complaining about is really just the removal of the old speed dial that many people haven't used in 6 months anyway. They got their last few months with it and they just can't let it go even though they knew damn well it wasn't gonna last.
lem729 last edited by
No, @lando242, I did not smell the coffee brewing. I assumed Opera was sane and would keep the thumbnails. Even in the later versions, they were letting you when you create a new speed dial bookmark, manually choose a thumbnail if you wanted. If they were letting you manually choose an individual thumbnail for a speed dial item (and even in version 31 they continue to let you at the time you are creating the new bookmark for the speed dial create a thumbnail, someone has posted), why in the update turn my speed dial of all thumbnails (80-100) to into the candy-colored,
garish icons. .
The icons were so ugly, i assumed Opera would at least let users have a choice, not shove their candy-colored icon aesthetics down our throat. Even now, I can create a thumbnail for an individual speed dial item (or so someone has posted). So if I deleted my speed dial items, I could reset 80 to 100 links with thumbnails. It would take me many hours to recreate what looked okay to me. Opera lets me do that, create thumbnails or icons (it's my choice) as I make new links for the speed dial, but then in the Ver. 31 upgrade, turns them all to icons. And I'd have to go through the exercise with each update (assuming Opera continued what it did in version 31), of deleting all my speed dial items, and reentering each link/bookmark to create thumbnails. I would be like Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill but never getting to the top.
jammet last edited by
Since Vivaldi (the new Opera spiritual successor) has the Speeddial exactly the way I would want Operas to be, I'm definitely going to have that one as default now.
lem729 last edited by
Vivaldi is not bad, but in folder view, it's all white and not very plain. You see neither thumbnails or icons. And the theme possibilities for wallpaper are very limited. Still nothing/white for the folder is a big improvenent over the garish icons. Of course, Vivaldi is in a state of becoming, so that could well get better. I prefer not to set up folders in the speed dial, but rather use speed dial pages. You can use multiple pages for the Speed Dial in Vivaldi (something you can't do in Opera).
The SuperStart speed dial extension in Firefox is really good. It gives you folders for your speed dial positions, thumbnails for your icons, and the wallpaper looks terrific on it. Also if the icon folder, blocks out part of your wallpaper, you can put a blank placeholder in that spot, so you can see the wallpaper where you want to. (That's a nice feature Opera never had). The extension takes a little fiddling to get used to it, but is worth it.