New Opera developer 27
Deleted User last edited by
may be a
sudo su update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install --unstable
can make your Pepperflash plugin work with current Opera.
l33t4opera last edited by
<blockquote>it's no longer possible to drag and drop bookmarks into sub-folders.</blockquote>
Hi @royleith, it's known issue: "Dragging bookmarks into folders does not work. You can work around this via enabling the flag opera://flags/#bookmarks-multi-drag (which will also allow you to select and drag multiple bookmarks)" -
l33t4opera last edited by
New Opera developer 27.0.1689.0, the change log, and few, selected changes:
"Chromium update (40.0.2202.3)"
"* DNA-29883 Opera on 32-bit Windows does not find pepper flash"
"* DNA-30219 Notification when the PEPPER is present but disabled"
"* DNA-28947 Shift+RightClick menu on Speed Dial Folder(s) doesn’t work as it does with single thumbnails"
"DNA-29900 Enable the ‘WebUI navigation bar’ flag on developper"
"* DNA-29872 Dragging of bookmarks fails"
"DNA-29963 [Tools] Support batch operations in the bookmark manager"
"DNA-30021 Enable ‘Multidrag in Bookmark Manager’ on the developer channel"
"* DNA-30220 Put CTRL+A + batch delete behind the multi-drag flag"
"DNA-29738 Refactor the search provider strip"
"DNA-29997 [Engine] Quick search model should use profile prefs instead of local prefs."
The official announcement
\m/ :cheers:
et2403 last edited by
What's with the changed position of the Speed Dial - Bookmarks - Discovery bar on Speed Dial page? It's so confusing. :XP:
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @et2403, you can disable it (switch back to the old bar): go to the address bar, type opera:flags#webui-navigation-bar, and press enter, then select "Disabled" from the drop-down, and then restart the Opera
Deleted User last edited by
Speed Dial - Bookmarks - Discovery / opera:flags#webui-navigation-bar
I liked it better on the left side, because it makes the vertical space on my 16:9 monitor even smaller, so I disabled it again.
But maybe the OPERA guys can make it moveable or implement an option to show it where one likes it to be (left, right, top, bottom)?
l33t4opera last edited by
A small update - Opera developer 27.0.1689.2, the change log, and the official announcement - sync works again, and small but IMHO precious bonus: you can set now the DuckDuckGo as the default search engine
ruario last edited by
Awesome I love DuckDuckGo! At the moment it is just something we are experimenting with. Of course I really hope we keep it!
Deleted User last edited by
One day the users will be able to change the search engine on speed dial search bar? Bing is doing browser sniffing, there is nothing you can do about it?
Small bug: try to edit an added search engine, in the second time does not allow edittion (the small menu does not show up)
vmclark last edited by
In the past, when I click on About Opera, it reflected a new update, when there was one.
Right now it doesn't show the newest update:
Version: 27.0.1683.0 - Opera is up to date
Update stream: developer
System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (x86_64; XFCE) -
vmclark last edited by
Version: 27.0.1683.0 finally showed there was an update, but not every time I checked. At any rate, I'm now updated.
l33t4opera last edited by
New Opera developer 27.0.1689.13, the change log, and the announcement.
The main fixes on the Opera side revolve around security and stability improvements to syncing
Chromium version 40.0.2214.10
ruario last edited by
Known issues (27.0.1689.13)
- Menu separators are missing in the Opera menu and context menus
- Hovering titles in the tab menu show as white on white on Windows 7 and 8
l33t4opera last edited by
New update - Opera developer 27.0.1689.22, the change log, and the official announcement \m/
Known issues:
Menu separators are missing in the Opera menu and context menus
Hovering titles in the tab menu show as white on white on Windows 7 and 8