POLL: Tab bar features? Tab stacking / grouping?
christoph142 last edited by
I find the idea ridiculous that some claim their "work" is hampered because they cannot stack tabs. Evidently they have dozens
and dozens of tabs open at one time and therefore need to stack them. Seriously? How on earth did you function back in the
90's when there were no tabs at all? And when tabs first appeared the ability to stack them was not present. How did you
manage then?What kind of argument is that? In the 90's we also managed with 16 MB or RAM, 14-inch CRT monitors, MS-DOS and 56 Kbps connections. That doesn't mean we want to go back to that.
I second that. People managed to live without dishwashers and washing machines... electricity... fire.
Does that mean that they're unnecessary to you? ^^ -
Deleted User last edited by
LOL... now you're going too far with exaggeration. The point is, Opera's current browser is perfectly workable for most users. THAT is what I was trying to say, albeit not very well. No doubt Opera will develop the tab function in time but it is certainly not a priority right now. There are always going to be whiners and complainers: this is wrong, why didn't they add such and such back, Presto was so much better... and on and on. I'm certain that Opera's new browser will catch on and be seen as a friendly browser designed for the masses rather than the old one that was viewed as the browser of geeks thereby ensuring it remained below 3% for 17 years. It's no surprise to me that a handful of whiners continue to haunt the forum but notice: those numbers are steadily decreasing. Some have left for FF and Chrome while others have remained and adapted. It is my belief that of those who left many will return and rediscover the beauty of Opera. Short message: give it time and stop your incessant whining.
lem729 last edited by
I fully concur with leushino. Not only does the native Opera browser offer basic but reasonable tab handling, including cloned and pinned tabs, but there are tremendous opportunities to enhance tab treatment via extension, like Classic Tabs,
https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/classic-tabs/?display=enwhich mimics Opera 12 tab behavior in Opera 23, and well, you want vertical tabs @haakoo and @al-khwarizmi, try Tab Outliner, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabs-outliner/eggkanocgddhmamlbiijnphhppkpkmkl?hl=en
you might want to try Tab Outliner, as it gives a very nice vertical display of tabs
and for tab organizing, there's TooManyTabs for Chrome
and One Tab,
which provide excellent opportunities to organize tabs. And these are just the tip of the iceberg, because there are so many more. I don't believe the vast majority of users are at all concerned about more tab enhancements in the native browser. I can think of other enhancements Opera could provide to the browser, before getting into trying to do a lot more with tabs. I'd say, it's fine if the extensions provide the functionality.
People need to do the homework, and try what's out there. It's easy enough to uninstall an extension if it's not quite right for you.
To download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension, https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/?display=en
or Extension Source Viewer, https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/extension-source-viewer/
christoph142 last edited by
Tab stacking is something that extensions can't provide in its "Presto-form". (I know cause I would have developed it already if I could^^)
I used to use tab stacking as well in conjunction with an extension to auto-open/close the stack when activating a tab in it.
It is by far the most useful tab feature to me e.g. for researching like when you're having three aspects of a topic and multiple articles to each one of them you just had 3 stacks to come back to at any time.
That's my way of dealing with it and I'd love to see its comeback -
lem729 last edited by
With tab outliner, you can see the entire tree of your tabs in a vertical display. You can organize the tree, cut and paste things where you want them. It could accomplish a similar thing, @cristoph142 to what you were doing with tab stacking (which was a form of organizing) You can open any item on the tab tree, by just clicking on the vertical display where the tab you are interested in shows up. Maybe it wouldn't be exactly what you like, but it could be useful to someone who uses a lot of tabs in their work or play. In addition, you can make notes with this extension (a feature that wasn't available in Opera Presto). Not everything can be duplicated (that was in Presto), but there is a lot that's out there already that can really help people.
christoph142 last edited by
Tab Outliner is way too heavy for me. I usually have about 10 tabs open and don't open more than 25 tabs during research, but like to have them grouped like tab stacking did. There's nothing that's as intuitive and non-distracting as tab stacks.
Old habits... -
thutoms last edited by
Tab stacking: yes!
Maybe even the good old click-switch between tabs - click on the current tab and it'll switch to the previous tab you were on. That one was a really helpful one when working. -
lem729 last edited by
Tab bundler would be worth a look. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-bundler/ooajenhhhbdbcolenhmmkgmkcocfdahd?hl=en
"If you are a user of chrome who finds that you have multiple tabs open and would like to be able to organize these tabs, then Tab Bundler is an extension for you. Tab Bundler is an extension that allows the user to save tabs in user-defined groups. You can conveniently create a group for tabs that are music related, another group for research on a personal project and open each tab in the group simultaniously at the click of a button."
Tab manager also help for grouping tabs. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-manager/coonecdghnepgiblpccbbihiahajndda
This extension lets you manage tabs on multiple windows. Clicking on the Tab Manager icon in the toolbar reveals a box with favicons of all opened tabs on all opened windows. Tabs on different windows are identified by different groups. To move tabs from one window to another, the user just needs to drag the tabs from one group to another. Similarly tabs can be dragged to create new windows or moved to trash.
Just a few ideas. Between the two, Tab Bundler sounds simpler in concept.
lem729 last edited by
A nice thing about the Tab Bundler extension is that all you do is create a few folders (let's say, (1) music, (2) news), (3) Opera forum, and when you're on a web page (like Slacker or Pandora), click on the + sign to put it in the music folder, and even if you later close the tab, it remains in the extension folder for your group. It's very easy to see all the tabs in each of your groups. So you can simplify the tabs that are open on the horizontal bar (by removing some), that are using up resources of the computer, but just double click on the item that remains in the folder (even if it was removed as a tab), and the tab for that item opens.
It's simple then. Create the folders you want for different subject areas. Then when you're on a web page, click on the + sign to put that web page in the folder as a tab. Everything is grouped. Close all the tabs on your horizontal tool bar, and they're still there in the extension "group" folders, till you close the browser.
Here's a nice discussion for getting started: http://dottech.org/161686/how-to-save-tabs-in-bundles-on-chrome-tip/
xoex last edited by
Browser extensions are the most annoying innovation in browsers history, And It's not shocking for me when innovations come from outside opera! Just compare annoying icons on top right or annoying popups when you want to use most of extensions with opera (original opera not new chromera) sidebar.I hate when people say "you can do it with this extension..."
Yes I can use note extension or tab extensions, But they are crappy. They are not user friendly. Yes I can but I won't.
You can do it with your hand or your wife! It will be done but experience is different! -
lem729 last edited by
Look xoex, if you feel that way about browsers extensions, then the new Opera is definitely not for you. It is designed to be optimized for each person differently via extension. So I would think you ought to stay with Opera Presto or find another browser that doesn't use extensions. Maybe Internet Explorer, though I understand they are moving to an extension model also. Now I think browser extensions are terrific, as they add incredible functionality to the browser, but each to his own.
Deleted User last edited by
All major browsers use extensions. To deny the viability of extensions is to live in the past. You might as well go back to browsers from the 90's like Netscape. The fact that I can personalize my browser via extensions is a huge plus. The world knows this, even though a few users like xoex don't. Probably best for him to stick with the older Presto.
christoph142 last edited by
Browser extensions are the most annoying innovation in browsers history
There are extensions you don't even remember they are.
I strongly believe that I have built extensions (e.g. modern scroll or Textbox Auto Resizer) like that. No popup, no buttons, no distraction. And if you can tell me anything that's not user-friendly as you state, than I'm happy to rid that flaw for you.You can do it with your hand or your wife! It will be done but experience is different!
ROFL. True dat. :lol:
But an extension doesn't necessarily need to be a hand ^^ -
kanitfastan last edited by
I would like to have my tabs with text on the right side of the window. -
xoex last edited by
Browser extensions are the most annoying innovation in browsers history
There are extensions you don't even remember they are.
I strongly believe that I have built extensions (e.g. modern scroll or Textbox Auto Resizer) like that. No popup, no buttons, no distraction. And if you can tell me anything that's not user-friendly as you state, than I'm happy to rid that flaw for you.You can do it with your hand or your wife! It will be done but experience is different!
ROFL. True dat.
But an extension doesn't necessarily need to be a hand ^^They call me ancient but I begged for extensions from Opera v5! I agree that there are some good extensions, I'm using some of them (like PageRank extension on opera presto). Some of them are useful but the whole system is wrong. I saw a note extension and it was awful. I loved to see extensions in sidepanels and with more native interface not a popup web UI.
The world knows this, even though a few users like xoex don't. Probably best for him to stick with the older Presto.
If world knows so I was wrong using opera v4 and above. I had to use IE 6! Now If you want to know what world knows, Chrome marketshare is about 50% and opera below 2%. Go use Chrome!
lem729 last edited by
Opera is better than Chrome. LMFAO at that poll. Maybe I've tweaked it a bit with extensions, and know how to make it sing, but I love it. Much better than Chrome. Don't worry about public opinion, and make your own choices.
Getting back to Tab Bundler for a minute, it has another really nice feature!!! I made folders of my tabs yesterday. There is an option to delete them, but I didn't. I closed the browser down and the computer, and today, I opened the computer and browser. The folders with my tab options are still there when I click on the extension icon, organized according the subject area.
The point is that none of the tabs are open and using computer resources, but they are there for easy access if I want to access them. I can even assign tab bundler a keyboard shortcut to open it that way if I chose (instead of having to click on it with the mouse). This is better than tab "stacking"/"grouping" because the tabs don't have to be open (to waste computer resources), but they are still available after closing the computer and opening it again -- available until I delete the tabs manually.
Now double-click on one of your tab folders, and a new Opera window opens with all of the tabs in that folder. If you have two Opera windows open, tab bundler shows in both windows, with all the tabs that you have marked to be saved.
bsaboveall last edited by
BS! You don't have to waist resources or ram when you can suspend all tabs until they are current. Thanks for the useless suggestions though. It's like dressing up a pig into a diff animal and claiming it's a cat.
In simple the request is that TAB STACKING needs to be brought back for people who do have 80+ tabs open doing all kind of research.
Opera was a browser for serious people, chrome was always for kiddies who watch YT and self-obsess on facebook. Why dumb down things to a point where Firefox is the only straight up guy standing? Opera used to give a run for it's money and now?? Useless! but hey that's called optimization right?
lem729 last edited by
For some people, what Is suggested can be quite useful. If not for you, so sorry. You're an exotic case.
80 plus tabs. Hmmm. I wouldn't dream of having that many open, but if that's your thing, c'est la vie. Have a wonderful day!
A Former User last edited by
BS! You don't have to waist resources...Ahem. He has quite a resourceful waist - judging by his avatar! :lol:
friedliver last edited by
If I could have tab stacking back... in ANY browser... I would switch to that browser in an instant. I am no longer using Opera because this feature is gone.
Organization is a factor in productivity. Now there is no intuitive method for personalized organization anymore. Chrome has some strange stacking thing, but that just is a sorter to pull your most recent tabs forward. I don't need my computer to attempt organization for me. I want to do it my way. This is why tab stacking was fantastic. Keep all your thoughts in one place with ease. Separate your thoughts (tabs) into obvious categories. Hold onto your baskets of thoughts (tabs) for as long as you need them. But no, now you just take my lovely baskets and flip them over on the ground. Everything in a mess again for me to sort through. In my opinion that is the one feature that ALL browsers should have. It shouldn't even be hard to implement....