What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?
Deleted User last edited by
I recently switched back to opera. I used chrome and firefox for a while but got annoyed with both of them. I still love some of opera's features, that the new opera still has (speed dial mainly, yes I tried many speed dial addons for firefox and chrome, and they all sucked :p )
I can understand why users of opera 12 are frustrated, but I think a lot of people forget that the new opera is basically a total re-write, and has only been in development for a year or so. Its completely unrealistic to think that it would already have as many features as opera 12, which is a very old browser that gained many features over many, many years of development. The new opera is coming along pretty well, people need to have realistic expectations. Currently the new opera is still a bit barebones, but it does already have features to differentiate it from other browsers (speed dial, stash, discover, tab preview, opera turbo), and I'm sure there will be more features to come (afaik they are currently working on improving bookmarks and implementing sync).
Calling it a 'chrome clone' is disingenuous. It uses chromium under the hood, but a clone of google chrome it is not.
Deleted User last edited by
"And, on the bottom line: the bad opera, IN MY EXPERIENCE, not yours, has many site compatibility issues, just as the original one had."
The new opera literally uses the same rendering engine as chrome. 99.99% of the time it works with any site chrome does. I've yet to run into nay compatibility issues here.
lem729 last edited by
The engine is a similarity between Chrome and Opera, but two users with the same engine can do highly different things. And one can be innovative and creative, the other less so, or can evolve in different ways, which also have merit. Still, Opera with it's Speed Dial with folders -- you're right there, viperafk -- (why. that's the feature, for which I can forgive a helluva lot, it's so good), and the other innovations -- Discover, Stash, Turbo Mode, is doing a great job creating a unique and enjoyable browser. I just tried the new Opera mini for Ipad yesterday and have continued playing with it today -- it also gives you a Speed Dial with folders, a Discover and a Turbo mode, and more. Though using a different engine, webkit, it's not unlike the desktop Opera, underscoring that it's not the engine that gives a browser the distinctive look. Opera creates a similar look (with similar features) in the Ipad and desktop Opera, with two different engines.
A Former User last edited by
well, I found popup my bookmark extension, that seems to be the best I have tried so far. Also feedly notifier and google calendar extension seems to be fine.
With opera 12 I often had to reload pages to make them display correctly, not encountered that so far. Also the wand feature would not work on login on some sites, lastpass seems to work so far.
al-khwarizmi last edited by
Personally, after almost a year, I haven't adapted and I don't think I ever will. O12 is still my primary browser, although I always have the latest Opera Developer installed which I sometimes use for Facebook and Gmail (unusable in O12).
I still miss the standard menu bar, the bookmarks menu, the download dialog and manager, the MDI common close tab button, the tab behavior "click on tab to minimize" which allows one to go back to the last tab, etc.
I keep using the latest Opera as a secondary browser out of a mix of nostalgia and self-deception, but it's not really even my second favorite browser, I prefer Firefox. Although I also must say I prefer the new Opera to Chrome (for things like native mouse gestures). My ranking would be something like O12 > Firefox > IE tied with new Opera > Chrome.
BTW, so you see I'm not all negative, the feature that appeared very recently in the new Opera by which the tab preview when hovering over a tab is big and readable instead of just a thumbnail, is really cool and useful. But sadly it's the only advantage I can find in the new Opera, and it is far from outweighing all the missing things.
I'm also waiting for the Otter browser to develop. The latest betas are already rather functional and stable. Once mouse gestures are added, it'll probably become my primary browser.
Deleted User last edited by
Sorry about the attempt at quoting the previous poster's comments. I had no intentions of making his quote so large and further editing only seems to make matters worse.
al-khwarizmi last edited by
Yes, of course it's a huge plus, but I count that as a consequence of O12 not having been maintained (except for security updates) for a year, not as a problem with O12 itself. When O12 was maintained I could open all the sites fine.
Anyway, if we don't take that into consideration... I would say that I prefer the new Opera for Facebook and Gmail, but I very much prefer O12 for the rest of the sites I visit.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Sorry about the attempt at quoting the previous poster's comments. I had no intentions of making his quote so large and further editing only seems to make matters worse.
On a computer, highlight the text and click the large right quote marker under the post count. If doing it manually, precede the text by a ">" (as used in some email systems).
The line underneath your text "------------" identified the text above it as using a headline style "H2".
The reason Opera gave for switching to Blink was precisely because so many sites didn't support Presto. Especially web apps like Gmail, Google Docs, ... and similar from Yahoo, and also Facebook, and ...
A Former User last edited by
Left for a bit because of the lack of native bookmark support but I like the direction it's taken. Miss some things from the Presto build but nothing that I can't adapt to.
suntana last edited by
I've adapted to the NEW Opera just fine. Heck, I've adapted to it better than I ever did to Opera 12. I gave Opera 12 some chances, but it just kept being off, kept missing the mark jussst enough to have me declare it inferior to Opera 11.52 and Opera 11.64.
Anyway, with Opera 11.52, Opera 11.64 AND Opera 12, I kept getting errors and the irritating messages that "Opera has encountered an error and needs to restart" with Blogger and WordPress. Opera 20.0.1387.91 was the first Opera to immediately get rid of those Opera errors with Blogger and WordPress. Opera 20.0.1387.91 also made a gigantic positive difference in loading Vivaldi.net ... vs. the several ice ages that it took to load it with the older Operas. So, I was hooked and had no intention of going back to the older Operas.
I have my bookmarks working great ... and without even a need for the Stash or the Speed Dial. No problem there.
Not everything was perfect, but I just had to improvise, adapt and overcome. I installed the Smart RSS and RSS Detector extensions. And to take care of the Notes function of the older Operas, I am using CintaNotes Portable. I just have it minimized in my Taskbar and bring it up as needed. It works fine. I would have preferred an extension take care of the Notes task, but none of the ones I tried worked to my satisfaction.
About the only perk to which I haven't found a replacement yet and probably never will is the - Opera Extended Progress Bar that I really loved having at the bottom of my page and depended on it due to my Dial Up. But, since I know it's not likely to be incorporated into the NEW Opera and no other Browsers have remotely even had anything like it before ... I've resigned myself to just conditioning myself to just let it go ... don't dwell on it; it's not coming back.
blackbird71 last edited by
About the only perk to which I haven't found a replacement yet and probably never will is the - Opera Extended Progress Bar that I really loved having at the bottom of my page and depended on it due to my Dial Up. But, since I know it's not likely to be incorporated into the NEW Opera and no other Browsers have remotely even had anything like it before ... I've resigned myself to just conditioning myself to just let it go ... don't dwell on it; it's not coming back.FWIW, in Firefox, there's an extension (Tab Mix Plus) that provides an option to place a thin progress bar on the top of any tab-label that is downloading site data... I find it highly useful, and it would certainly be a handy element for any browser or tab extension to have incorporated into it (hint, hint!).
lem729 last edited by
About the only perk to which I haven't found a replacement yet and probably never will is the - Opera Extended Progress Bar that I really loved having at the bottom of my page and depended on it due to my Dial Up. But, since I know it's not likely to be incorporated into the NEW Opera and no other Browsers have remotely even had anything like it before ... I've resigned myself to just conditioning myself to just let it go ... don't dwell on it; it's not coming back.>
I wouldn't try it if I were you
But they were working on it.
cactusbush last edited by
I recently moved from Opera 12.15 to version 12.17 and I think it was a mistake; which I intend to undo. Essentially my gripe is with the way search engines are now handled. Preferring the better privacy of Ixquick's "Startpage" search window to that of Google's - I customarily set Startpage as the default search engine. With the move to version 12.17, I find this impossible. Currently: every time I open Opera, Google is set as default search engine. You can delete every other search engine in the queue successfully - except for Google that mysteriously re-spawns. Even within a secession (after setting an alternative search engine as default) Google search reappears in each new tab opened. Unsatisfactory...
suntana last edited by
Blackbird ... Lem, let me elaborate.
As far as the extreme usefulness to which I am referring having loved and enjoyed with the old Opera Extended Progress Bar ... I am referring to more than say --- just how many bytes out of the total have been downloaded.True, that is more helpful than what New Opera, Chrome and Firefox provide now. However, I am referring to the additional data that the old Opera Extended Progress Bar provided. I am talking about the SPEED of the transmission of the progress at any given time throughout the loading of whatever. And the Elements to be downloaded and how many had been downloaded at any given time.
Cuz as things stand now with all Browsers, we just get an indication that theoretically progess is in effect. Ahhhhh! But, at what speed? Progress could be going on at normal speed ... or it could be going on at 50% or 33% speed or just a step above a snail's crawl.
So, with me having Dial Up, that old Opera Extended Progress Bar was great because anytime I clicked to load something, I would know immediately and throughout the loading whether transmission / progress was normal ... decent ... tolerable ... or pathetic and thus, a need to abort the loading and try again or whatever.
Now with New Opera, Chrome and Firefox, there isn't that luxury. Now when I click to load something, I just have to go by a calculated GUESS and by gut feeling to gauge whether a site IS progressing properly and IS going to eventually load in normal time. Now if a website happens to be loading at that instant at only 10% speed, I won't know it until much later when it's obvious the site is just not gonna come up.
suntana last edited by
Lem, as far as I can tell on those 4 little pics of that Progress Bar Google Chrome ... they only give an indication of how many bytes of the total have been downloaded. Again, it's better than what we get now, but not as ultra useful as the old Opera Extended Progress Bar was.
That Progress Bar Google Chrome is not providing a SPEED of transmission indication.
blackbird71 last edited by
Blackbird ... Lem, let me elaborate. As far as the extreme usefulness to which I am referring having loved and enjoyed with the old Opera Extended Progress Bar ... I am referring to more than say --- just how many bytes out of the total have been downloaded.
True, that is more helpful than what New Opera, Chrome and Firefox provide now. However, I am referring to the additional data that the old Opera Extended Progress Bar provided. I am talking about the SPEED of the transmission of the progress at any given time throughout the loading of whatever. And the Elements to be downloaded and how many had been downloaded at any given time.
The latest incarnation of Extended Statusbar (1.5.9) for FF provides the download speed, as well as image count, kB loaded, and elapsed time. The earlier version was broken by the FF29 update, but the extension has now itself been updated and is back in service on my system. It's something to consider, though it obviously doesn't help with the newer Opera versions.
suntana last edited by
The unfortunate thing is, Blackbird, that while that Extended Statusbar for FF appears like it might be pretty close to what the old Opera Extended Progress Bar was ... Firefox is and has always been just plain ole point blank slow and non-ideal working on MY systems. So, even if I used FF with that Extended Statusbar, it'd still be slow. That Extended Statusbar would just confirm what I already knew.
I have a theory. I think that while Firefox and Chrome might be great and the browsers of choice for a lot of people ... they don't appear to be designed to work well on older, underpowered, non-state of the art computers, let alone on Dial Up.
So, the ideal solution would be if someone creates an Extended Progress Bar Extension for new Opera.
Thanks for the information anyway, Blackbird. Can't hurt to know these things, these options.
blackbird71 last edited by
I have a theory. I think that while Firefox and Chrome might be great and the browsers of choice for a lot of people ... they don't appear to be designed to work well on older, underpowered, non-state of the art computers, let alone on Dial Up.
So, the ideal solution would be if someone creates an Extended Progress Bar Extension for new Opera. ...I don't think that's really a "theory", it's more like reality. Most software designs, especially the ones that aspire to be trendy, are crafted for the system capabilities and performance that are current or just coming to market. I realized you were on dial-up, but I didn't know your hardware was older. I went through some of the same kinds of things with my old Pentium computer, which I used until late in 2010... a lot of the then-newer software simply couldn't run on it effectively. I agree that a great solution would be for somebody to create an Extended Progress Bar for Opera... in fact, that's one of a number of things I would like to see placed in extensions if Opera is unwilling/unable to make them native to the Blink versions.
Deleted User last edited by
Opera is going to design their browser to meet the general and/or current standards in relation to broadband and computer performance. The number of people still on dial-up would seem to mitigate against their allotting resources in that direction.