The new looks?
A Former User last edited by
The edit/flag and quote icons look very small and faint on my display (Opera 12.17).
They also look a bit vertically compressed to my eyes, as do the thumbs up/down icons.They could add colours...
Uh I don't like this gray boxes / gray everything look... The previous visual was much cleaner.
I second the statement.
By myself: you could change the [latests] threads' titles' fonts to something bolder. -
A Former User last edited by
When I click the timestamp of one of my posts then proceed to press the button to edit it the menu with edit, delete, flag, appears off-screen. (Note: this is not my computer running XP! aah!)Up/Down vote is not working.
Same here. When I select the thumbs icon link and choose to open it in a new tab the bug is explained: I don't have permission to vote. :sadpanda: -
stealth789 last edited by
When I click the timestamp of one of my posts then proceed to press the button to edit it the menu with edit, delete, etc, appears off-screen.
Up/Down vote is not working.
Same here. When I select the thumbs icon link and choose to open it in a new tab the bug is explained: I don't have permission to vote. :sadpanda:It didn't cross my mind :). But you're right
-> "{"error":"You must have permission to Vote"}".
leevi last edited by
Up and down vote icons are squished on Opera 12.16 and Opera Mobile Classic....and in fact it seems that these forums are now too heavy for my Android phone
A Former User last edited by
Up and down vote icons are squished on Opera 12.16 and Opera Mobile Classic...
They look o'k in my Chrome.
I'm not gonna use them anyway. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I see someone voted successfully in this thread - I'll have to presume it was an Opera employee, as it doesn't work for mods either.
My Opera had Announcements (accessible to mods and staff only) which didn't allow comments, I have seen announcements by staff here - which do allow comments - so I'll presume that Announce here is equivalent to Sticky in the old Community.
As for up/down ... what it ought to be used for is to indicate which replies in a thread were most/least helpful (in my mind anyway) ... obviously Andreas will give his suggestions when he posts the full details, but even then I'm sure some people will use them as they see fit.
stealth789 last edited by
11) In overview count of Replies and New is not correct. As of new engine Replies is 1 less like was before. Not counting original post. It's ligical. But now in overview i see for example: 1 Replies but 2 New which is kind of not correct. Should use same numbering like in post itself. It's confusing this way, even if somehow it's also correct.
Deleted User last edited by
I can confirm Blackbird's observation: "in typing this message, the initial "Write comment" box seems to cut off the lower half of the first text line being typed. As the box fills and wraps to the next typed line, the scrolling text at the top eventually gets cut off at its top. Apparently this has something to do with the border formatting for the box, with a "dead" white band being located within the box outline itself." This is most annoying.
lem729 last edited by
Where did you hear that? You mean I didn't have to do all that gravatar stuff? It would be nice to see an avatar rich forum, like we once had.
The forum change is nice, though every time I post I get an error message, but the post shows up anyway. Hmmm, hopefully, that bug will be swatted. Splat :))))
lem729 last edited by
I just went there. Pretty cool that you can do that, though the choices aren't overwhelming. Still, it's a good start. Ideally, they ought to let you drag an avatar image to your profile, the way the old Opera forum let you do. Then you could find something neat on the internet, and not have to go through the Gravatar thing.
A Former User last edited by
I'm not getting any error messages when I post, but my new post doesn't appear until I refresh the page.
A sure-fire recipe for unintentional multiple postings!
A Former User last edited by
While I'm noticing an issue with "disappearing" of the entire thread I'm commenting in - but the OP.
"We're gonna improve the site till its death!";) -
blackcoder last edited by
I just up-voted your post and looks like it is working now. I made sure that the up-vote is still there even after reload. -
A Former User last edited by
It's there.
Those hands do look different in different browsers.
It can be dealt with by adding colour. -
A Former User last edited by
But first I suggest we focus on the glitches.
Andreas, what?
Gosh! -
A Former User last edited by
Nah - still persists.
Though it "managed to" not happen once just now in another thread, in the Lounge...