Default Search Engine
Deleted User last edited by 11 May 2014, 02:47
I use the "y" key for Youtube since a milennia ago
But now Opera is hijacking it with that useless Yahoo search. Is there a way to change this? I'll try that extension right now, though again, it's a waste of RAM.
We users shouldn't be forced to add more letters to our search so Opera can make some quick bucks.
So the real question is: can I delete the default search engines? While Opera had agreements with SE before, they let us change it. Now it feels really intrusive.
l33t4opera last edited by 11 May 2014, 07:33
@stahn: Hi, if you don't use default search engines, you can achieve it in few simple steps:
- Go to the Opera's installation root (you can find the path in O-Menu>About Opera>Paths>Install), then change to the ".../21.0.1432.57/resources" subdir,
- You should find there the "default_partner_content.json" file, rename it to e.g. "default_partner_content.jsox", then relaunch the Opera,
- Go to the address bar, press right mouse button, and click the "Edit search engines" (you should see, that only one default search engine left intact - Google), click the "Add new search", and add the YT as follows:
Keyword: y
Press the "Save" button, and then click on the "Done" button.
Instead of step 3, you can simply go to the, and press right mouse button on the Youtube's search field, and then click the "Create search engine", then press the "Create" button.
A Former User last edited by 19 May 2014, 23:18
That sounds like a plan. Where can I find the default_partner_content.json file on os x?
l33t4opera last edited by 20 May 2014, 07:23
@luetage: If i remember it correctly (I can't check this right now on Mac), it should be in: / Framework.framework/Resources".
Deleted User last edited by 26 May 2014, 11:11
I've always suspected that the limited choices for default search engine was because opera had funding arrangements with just those you can choose between. Am I right?
Which leads me to another question. Obviously Google funding is important for Opera. However I do like to have other choices. Are we still supporting and ensuring the long term viability of Opera if we use the other pre installed search engines (Bing or Yahoo?)
lem729 last edited by 26 May 2014, 16:17
I've always suspected that the limited choices for default search engine was because opera had funding arrangements with just those you can choose between. Am I right?
Which leads me to another question. Obviously Google funding is important for Opera. However I do like to have other choices. Are we still supporting and ensuring the long term viability of Opera if we use the other pre installed search engines (Bing or Yahoo?)No, I don't think you are right. The limitation to five search engines is -- it is my understanding -- princiapally because of malware-adware problems and the enhanced risk of the hijacking of some of the other search engines with the user being taken to unsafe websites. Opera was trying to protect the user. I wouldn't worry about exercising your choices here and harming Opera. My guess is there was a financial arrangement that got the the Google search bar on the speed dial page, but Opera did provide for the user eliminating that search bar if they wanted to (although you have to go into Power User Mode to Accomplish that. It's not really hard to do).
Now I use the Disconnect Search extension (installed from the Opera website). It's my understanding that Opera reviews for safety and approves the extensions on their add-on website, so we must not be hurting Opera if we use extensions there :). In that Disconnect Search extension, I set DuckDuckGo as my primary search engine. That way, and by also selecting Main Address Bar in the extension, I get DuckDuckGo as my default search engine to operate out of the main Opera address bar/Omni-search bar, getting around the five limitation in Opera. I don't feel, at all, bad about it. Rather I feel I'm making the browser work for me, so that I'm happy with it. If I am, they I'm more likely to stay with Opera, and Opera will be happy
As to the search possibilities by adding engines, and using a code letter or letters, Opera set it up to work for you. So don't feel bad about it. Make the browser work best for you.
alreadybanned last edited by 26 May 2014, 20:54
You keep repeating this but the fact is, Opera DOES receive monetary compensation from the companies who's searches are included. The file that l33t4opera suggests altering is called "default_partner_content.json", emphasis on partner. Other search providers do not have a monetary partnership with Opera so read into that what you like.
The lack of choice is becoming common place as free software(note. nothing is free) is becoming more of an ad delivery platform, just like Android os, etc.. Opera was once a browser but it, like soon to be Mozilla who will have ads in their speed dails, are more focused on generating profit than creating user friendly software. Paid software will become a rare thing I'm afraid because a price tag is not as tempting as a never ending supply of ad revenue.
A Former User last edited by admin 24 Oct 2017, 09:30 26 May 2014, 21:12
Other search providers do not have a monetary partnership with Opera so read into that what you like.
There's ZERO EVIDENCE the contract between the search engines that partner with Opera says they'll be the only ones able to be set as default.
"The option to set a custom search engine as default was (temporarily) removed to combat malware overriding user settings and directing all searches to malicious third-party sites. Its an unfortunate situation." - Opera employee Daniel Aleksandersen.