Opera 20 - Another unhappy loyal supporter
lem729 last edited by
On news feeds, I've really been enjoying Feedly lately. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/feedly/ndhinffkekpekljifjkkkkkhopnjodja?hl=en
If you have't tried it yet, check it out.Great, it takes some adjusting/playing around with different extensions to find what you might like. It's easy to uninstall something, if after you tried it, you find that you're not using it. So it's no big deal testing. You can also make an extension inactive. It's kinda fun
to explore all that's out there -- both the Opera extensions, and those in the Chrome store.
blackbird71 last edited by
... I would like to know how to get a hold of version 12. Just as I was clicking an "unsubscribe" button in an email I had doubts about, something claiming to be an update to my opera browser popped up and I've repeatedly shut it down in task manager. You know this is a day and age when netiquette is pretty much out the window (LOL of course you know!) and you never know when something isn't what it represents itself to be. Maybe just bad timing, but the "X" in the top right corner of this thing was grayed out and nonfunctioning so I wasn't having it.
You can download older Opera versions (based on the Presto engine) directly from Opera's ftp server at: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/
Older Opera versions can coexist on the same computer as newer Opera versions without mutual interference.The newer Opera versions (based on the Blink engine) have built-in automatic updating, and there aren't any user controls to block such updating. However, one way to force a block to future updates is to manually rename the opera_update.exe file to something else (like opera_update.xxx). Note that you will have to be sure to do that for each new installation... and, as always, only rename Opera files while Opera is shut down.
Also be aware that once you start an update process in any program in Windows, part of the updater mechanism can sometimes lodge somewhere in Windows and be a bit difficult to halt its nagging, even after you kill the updater per se. If that turns out to be the case for you, somebody knowledgeable about such things will have to inform you how to stop it from persisting, once started. I seem to recall running across a thread or two here on that subject, so you might want to try a forum search if it turns out to be the case for your situation.
gdnctr last edited by
Stick with 12.16. You'll be happier.
What's with v21? Mine says v12.17 and I'm up-to-date...
[Mod note: I removed your duplicate posts across other threads in the forum.]
lem729 last edited by
Opera switched browser engines from Opera Presto to Opera Blink. The last version of Opera Presto is 12.17. Opera Blink started at version 15, and is now at Opera 21 (for a stable version). Opera permits a download of both Opera Presto and Opera Blink from its website. If you have Opera 12.17, it will, I understand, not update to Opera Blink. Now Opera is committed to working on Opera Blink. It is not working on Opera Presto anymore. That browser (Presto), while it has many wonderful features is a bit outdated, and has trouble rending some sites. Opera blink is faster, renders sites better, and is more a minimalist browser (with basic functions)as well as certain wonderfully unique features (a Speed dial where you can add folders of urls/landmarks for each position of the dial)(there is no browser on the internet with Speed Dial quite like this one), Stash, a Discover feature, Off Road Mode, and more. In Opera 21, most customization is gotten through extensions. With one Opera Extension, "Download Chrome Extension," Opera 21 users can download and install almost any extension in the Chrome store. And there are a lot of amazing customization opportunities there! Of course, extensions in the Opera store are also still available. Instead of bundling features in the new Opera 21 browser (many of which most users might never user), Opera is opting for providing generally basic features in this leaner, faster browser, as well as some of the new super creative extras (like the wonderful Speed Dial) and letting users decide which add-ons they want to install on their browser to provide the necessary customization. And you can stay with Opera 12.17 (because you may like features there that cannot be completely replicated in Opera 21 even with extensions), or install Opera 21 (and with extensions end up doing more in some areas than you could ever have done before with Opera 12.17. You can even download Opera 21, and use it and Opera 12.17 simultaneously until you can decide which you prefer.
Here's a link to Opera 21 for download. http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/05/opera-21-desktop-released-aura-powered/
gdnctr last edited by
Opera switched browser engines from Opera Presto to Opera Blink. The last version of Opera Presto is 12.17. Opera Blink started at version 15, and is now at Opera 21 (for a stable version). Opera permits a download of both Opera Presto and Opera Blink from its website. If you have Opera 12.17, it will, I understand, not update to Opera Blink. Now Opera is committed to working on Opera Blink. It is not working on Opera Presto anymore. That browser (Presto), while it has many wonderful features is a bit outdated, and has trouble rending some sites. Opera blink is faster, renders sites better, and is more a minimalist browser (with basic functions)as well as certain wonderfully unique features (a Speed dial where you can add folders of urls/landmarks for each position of the dial)(there is no browser on the internet with Speed Dial quite like this one), Stash, a Discover feature, Off Road Mode, and more. In Opera 21, most customization is gotten through extensions. With one Opera Extension, "Download Chrome Extension," Opera 21 users can download and install almost any extension in the Chrome store. And there are a lot of amazing customization opportunities there! Of course, extensions in the Opera store are also still available. Instead of bundling features in the new Opera 21 browser (many of which most users might never user), Opera is opting for providing generally basic features in this leaner, faster browser, as well as some of the new super creative extras (like the wonderful Speed Dial) and letting users decide which add-ons they want to install on their browser to provide the necessary customization. And you can stay with Opera 12.17 (because you may like features there that cannot be completely replicated in Opera 21 even with extensions), or install Opera 21 (and with extensions end up doing more in some areas than you could ever have done before with Opera 12.17. You can even download Opera 21, and use it and Opera 12.17 simultaneously until you can decide which you prefer.
Here's a link to Opera 21 for download. http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/05/opera-21-desktop-released-aura-powered/Now I understand. Thanks so much for the reply!
lafahexs last edited by
I am on opera 21.0.1432.57 and using opera since version 6.
With every new version my tolerance for opera is diminishing.
I mis the ready out of the box old opera, with my simple bookmark en the other above mentioned tools.
I can do without the stash, discovery and speeddial.
I do not want to spent time studying extentions.
At the moment i have to make do, out of loyalty to my history with opera.
But, at this rate, my patience will run out. -
gdnctr last edited by
Last question. My Dad's v12.16 now has light green page backgrounds on all websites, and the html/xhtml-css isn't rendering properly. It's basically useless, so I've had to switch him over to FF and Chrome. We've been using Opera since 2009 and have Speed-dial customized, so we hate to lose it on his lapper. My desk unit's working fine; his is the problem, just as of yesterday 5/9. Any suggestions?
Deleted User last edited by
Last question. My Dad's v12.16 now has light green page backgrounds on all websites, and the html/xhtml-css isn't rendering properly. It's basically useless, so I've had to switch him over to FF and Chrome. We've been using Opera since 2009 and have Speed-dial customized, so we hate to lose it on his lapper. My desk unit's working fine; his is the problem, just as of yesterday 5/9. Any suggestions?
Yes, give a chance to New Opera
lem729 last edited by
As sidneyneto says, try Opera 21. If your father likes a speed dial, this one is better than ever, because you can drag one link position over another and create a folder of items for one speed dial position. If he has to reset the speed dial in Opera 21, there aren't that many links in the Opera 12 speed dial, so it shouldn't be that hard to re-customize it. But with the ability to create folders of items for one position, he can have at his fingertips in the speed dial a lot more..
A Former User last edited by
My Dad's v12.16 now has light green page backgrounds on all websites, and the html/xhtml-css isn't rendering properly.
CSS User Mode display or User Custom CSS or JS was probably enabled, unless that's a new bug. http://www.opera.com/docs/usercss/BTW "Presto-based Opera had become overloaded with features, a number of them confusing rather than helping our users"
Deleted User last edited by
All I know: I recently bought a new laptop that came with win8. The first thing I did was go and get Opera.
I have been using Opera forever. Most recently was of course v.12*.
In the short time I have had the new system I have learned 2 major things:
- I absolutely hate win8
- Opera 21 is not far behind that feeling.
It is pretty much useless to me. Everything that made me switch to Opera those many years ago are gone.
Sure, a faster browser is nice, but not at the cost of everything else. I just want to set the browser to my liking. I DO NOT want to have to "build" the browser myself.
Like others have stated...it is to the point that we might as well just go with the competition if we are expected to use their software to try and make Opera 21 more functional for us.
It's sad for me. I have not used another browser for many years.
This is just not working for me.
lem729 last edited by
For all of the competition -- except for Internet Explorer -- you have to build your browser via extensions. If you don't want to do the work there of looking for what you want (it's really kind of lol, fun), then that is a problem for you. But if as you say, you've just switched to Opera 21, it takes some time to learn new ways of doing things. Work with Opera 12.17 and Opera 21 simultaneously. Don't envision a full switch until-unless you are comfortable. It took me about a month after I download Opera 21, till I saw there was actually enough there for me. Still, it's your choice. I don't think Opera 21, needs to be at all at the cost of everything else. That's an overstatement. But I can't speak to your unique needs. Not every product is a perfect fit for every person. Best of wishes with your browser endeavors!
gdnctr last edited by
As sidneyneto says, try Opera 21. If your father likes a speed dial, this one is better than ever, because you can drag one link position over another and create a folder of items for one speed dial position. If he has to reset the speed dial in Opera 21, there aren't that many links in the Opera 12 speed dial, so it shouldn't be that hard to re-customize it. But with the ability to create folders of items for one position, he can have at his fingertips in the speed dial a lot more..Thanks; we'll try v21.
Deleted User last edited by
I'd recommend Firefox with assorted addons at this point. You can get a better Opera experience than with Opera. Granted, it all came out of the incredible innovation until version 12 of Opera - FVD Speed dial, All-in-one Sidebar, mouse gestures and whatever else you feel you need is kind of like Opera, and in some ways better. The "feel" of Chromium taints everything about 15+ and always will, it's not Opera to me. Part of that may be psychosomatic, but that doesn't make it less real...
alreadybanned last edited by
Your issues are a repeat mostly of what's been discussed ad infinitum in the forum. There are threads on most of it.
Now Opera 21 works differently than Opera 12. Certainly, you need to consider whether to do without an extension, though A lot of the customizing now comes via extension. It's your decison there. Even if it's not all the same, you can get a lot of what you want.
For sessions, here's a Chrome extension called Session Buddy, which is very popular and has a lot of downloads.
There may be other extensions for Sessions too. You need to research it if you want something else.
You can download and install on the new Opera a Chrome extension, as long as you have the Opera Extension, Called "Download Chrome Extension." https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/
It sounds like you would like an easier way to bookmark and manage bookmarks.
I would add the Opera Extension, Add Bookmark
And also a good bookmark manager. The one I use now is Neater Bookmarks
Also many happy users, and a lot of downloads.
As for search engines, the problem Opera had is that a lot of the search engines were being hijacked, and the person doing the search sent to dangerous (malware, etc) sites. So the default engines are limited (and rightly so: surely you would not have wanted Opera to be exposing you to danger). So, that should be no big problem. If you go to a page with the ixquick search that you like, and right click on a search bar there (here's a possible page for that)
you can add it too Opera. You can try this page. When you right click, you add it -- and notice it looks like the critical letter that you will have to type before your search query is an i (unless you change it). Fine, now when you do an ixquick search in Opera, just type the i before your search in the main Opera address bar. i (space) and then the search query. It's no big deal.
Finally for undoing closed tabs, just click on the Opera Menu (top left of the browser) and four down from the top, you can see Recently Closed. Click on that and you can undo recently closed tabs. If you want more functionality, I use the Chrome Extension, Sexy Undo Closed Tab, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sexy-undo-close-tab/bcennaiejdjpomgmmohhpgnjlmpcjmbg?hl=en I think it's great, and gives you more functionality there than you ever had with Opera 12.
In any event, everything may not be exactly the same, but believe me, there is tons and tons of functionality. You just need to do a little work setting things up the way you want.This is exactly the problem. If I disregard the lack of control I have over this browser and just look at your post, I see nothing but Google referrals. I want nothing to do with Google yet your answer to fixing Opera is go to the Chrome store.
You've also been a little erroneous in saying "Opera Blink" is the engine, there is no such thing. Blink is Google's fork of Chromium.
All in all it just becomes increasingly difficult to separate this browser from Google and Chrome.
lem729 last edited by
There are a lot of distinctions between Opera and Chrome, but you "already banned" don't want to hear them. You complain about a lack of control, but don't want extensions. You can't have it every which way.. The fact is extra functionality comes via extension now, unless you want Internet Explorer. There's the Opera store -- and I have a good number of those extensions -- and the Chrome store. Now I don't dislike the Chrome browser. I prefer it to Firefox at this point. It's faster, cleaner in look . . . I prefer Opera to either. It gives the benefit of the Chrome engine, without the Google direction or the Google account. It gives an unequaled Speed Dial, and other attractive features for me.
username342342345 last edited by
Presto is a 100% HTML5 compatible rendering engine. It's just that web developers don't seem to care about conforming to the HTML4/5 specifications, and only care if it works in the top browsers.
Opera12 will continue to work until they come out with "HTML6."
Eventually I hope Opera will add skins and other customizations to the blink engine, then I can switch over. I'm not going to change my GUI just for the sake of change, I'll be porting the Opera9 skin whenever skins become available.
Deleted User last edited by
I very much doubt you will be seeing skins anytime soon. Opera 12 is increasingly incompTible with many sites and things will only get worse.
Deleted User last edited by
...web developers don't seem to care about conforming to the HTML4/5 specifications, and only care if it works in the top browsers.
Be careful with your paintbrush. The trim isn't always the same colour as the wall.
Some developers (myself, for one) DO care, and WILL do their best to make sure the websites they create will work on ALL browsers, as much as possible. In fact, for many years there was one little thing that wouldn't work in Opera, even though it worked in all other browsers. I refused to use that one little thing until it worked in Opera, and it took many years for that to happen.
jito463 last edited by
...web developers don't seem to care about conforming to the HTML4/5 specifications, and only care if it works in the top browsers.
Be careful with your paintbrush. The trim isn't always the same colour as the wall.
Some developers (myself, for one) DO care, and WILL do their best to make sure the websites they create will work on ALL browsers, as much as possible. In fact, for many years there was one little thing that wouldn't work in Opera, even though it worked in all other browsers. I refused to use that one little thing until it worked in Opera, and it took many years for that to happen.Of course, there are exceptions to everything, but in general, it does feel like most developers only care if their website works on the big three (IE, FF and GC). In fact, many of the "problems" with compatibility that PrOpera runs into is caused by coding a website around the quirks of the other browsers, rather than conforming to web standards and making the browsers conform to them (as Opera always tried to do). Ironically, it was Opera's insistence on web standards that led to it being shunned by many websites.