[Opera One] white address bar in dark theme private mode
Swagonimous last edited by
@kabir96 said in [Opera One] white address bar in dark theme private mode:
Problem still not solved in version: 101.0.4843.25
Yes. I'm very disappointed too. I was really waiting for this to be fixed..
At least give us the option to use custom themes like in firefox and chrome please.
But after all these days... still no answer from Opera team?
Swagonimous last edited by leocg
Actually there is a fix guys...
Switching to OperaGX
it has tons of custom themes, the url bar in dark themes is... Dark and OMG...it looks so much better in my opinion,
I'm so satisfied now.
I can calm my tits nowHahahaha
nnq2603 last edited by
... still white address bar private mode in 101.0.4843.33, this issue keep going strong. Not fixed.
nnq2603 last edited by nnq2603
@nnq2603 Why is something like this even need a post, it should be fixed before released. It's really look like this one sneak through the test phase and came to users.
If the address bar has the purple color, it'd somehow make more sense than a pure white color in darkmode. There's no justification for this design, isn't it? (Of course the most obvious choice of color is just dark gray like normal Opera. The white here make no sense at all)
shagratt last edited by
Still not fixed!!! Annoying!!! I think the devs don't check here
we need to submit it as a bug -
nnq2603 last edited by
103.0.4928.26, white address bar in dark private mode, this problem is still going strong.
And it's not the case in other Opera edition (like OperaCrypto/OperaGX... none of them has this choice of color). It's strange that Opera One become an exception amongst its own peers.
whisperer last edited by
Still not fixed in version 103.0.4928.34.
BTW, when I right-click a bookmark on the bookmarks bar and choose Edit, I get an even worse result:
As with the address bar, this has been the case for a long time.
Kallenavn last edited by
Its clear that Opera staff doesnt read this forum. Please report this as an issue for every update its not fixed.
Menu -> Help-> Report an issue -
whisperer last edited by
Still not fixed in Opera One version: 104.0.4944.33
BTW, hovering over a tab that plays audio, shows "This tab is playing audio" in white text on whitish background.
shagratt last edited by
Still not fixed. At this point I think Opera Devs just dont care or people in charge to report problems from this forums to the devs do a really poor job
whisperer last edited by whisperer
Still a white address bar in Opera One version 105.0.4970.13.
Other theme issues are fixed, like the "This tab is playing audio" text, the world map of the VPN setting, editing bookmarks by right-clicking bookmarks in the bookmarks bar.
nnq2603 last edited by nnq2603
@whisperer Apparently they purposely hang on to the white address bar in darkmode for some unknown reasons(?) Even the possibility Leocg mentioned above might be true, like, some of them really think the private mode should be visually standout compare to normal mode, and standout in white
It's just super weird, because instead of providing a different dark color theme for private mode to make it distinguishable from normal mode, they decided to choose a white color for dark theme. It doesn't make any sense. If there're 2 separated color themes, one for light and one for dark according to windows theme, then white bar should only appear in light theme of opera, not dark one. There's zero sense to this color choice of pure white at all. It's all messed up.
If they're too stuck up with the idea of private mode theme need to be distinguishable from normal mode theme, then do in the way Brave or Vivaldi did. They have private/incognito mode in distinguishable color theme, and still suitable for dark theme. Of course the color choice of Brave or Vivaldi (private mode) might not fit to everyone taste, but in general, it's still better than pure white. Opera One pick the worst choice of color, by far.