[Compilation]Devices appear multiplicated in opened tabs page
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ultimagnum It's a known issue. See https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/known_issues/#wiki_synced_opened_tabs_are_split_into_multiple_sessions_for_each_device.
The only way you might be able to remove them is reset Sync. But, because the issue will still be there, multiple entries will show up again.
phae2y last edited by
Yep. Same here. This issue has been happening for months, lots of threads created about this. I've seen one mention that they're looking into it but still nothing.
Doesn't bother me that much until today when I click on closed/search tabs icon and it takes 10 seconds to load the thousand tabs on duplicate devices when I just wanted to reopen closed tabs.
Never liked that all in one closed tab feature on desktop btw. -
lancealot last edited by
@cfyzuk I am noticing the same issue, and based on the amount of complaints going around I have to assume it is a bug that is taking forever to get resolved. Hopefully they will fix it soon since it has already been close to half a year without a fix for this issue. I would prefer things like this got fixed first before prioritizing all the new features being added.
jsopera last edited by
I have a lot of Tabs from the same computer on the "extension" sidebar. For example "NBJS - Windows". How can I delete these Tabs.
HoofCushion last edited by
I tried to reset my synced data, but the duplicate devices is still there. -
arilleria last edited by
List of synced opened tabs keep increasing
how long this bug last ?
i need to scroll down to the earth core for finding my android device -
lancealot last edited by
I have had this exact same issue for a LONG time now, and even filed a bug report about this issue yet it never gets fixed. I really hope the Opera developers will see the posts and bug reports about this issue and FINALLY fix it, which is long overdue.
lancealot last edited by
This issue has been ongoing for over a year now, and is a serious issue. I reported it to Opera using the proper bug report channels, yet it never gets fixed. I really hope this becomes a priority to fix at some point.
lancealot last edited by
@burnout426 You are correct, I tried in the past to reset sync, and since the issue is still there the multiple entries show up again. It seems like the only way this is going to be resolved is with a bug fix. This issue has existed for at least 1+ years, so I have to assume this issue is being ignored for some reason (maybe complex to fix), or Opera has not seen (or ignored) the posts and bug reports about this issue. I really hope it gets fixed at some point since this is a major issue with an important functionality of the browser.
lancealot last edited by
This bug has been brought up in the forums in multiple places, and I have personally filed a bug report about this ongoing issue. This issue has existed for at least 1+ years I know of. This is a serious bug that makes the tab activity section unusable. I really hope this gets fixed at some point since it seems to be a known issue that never gets fixed for some reason.
lancealot last edited by
@leocg This issue has several forum posts, bug reports, and listed as a known issue for at least 1+ years. When is this known issue going to be fixed? If it is known by Opera developers, why are they not fixing such a major bug with an important functionality of Opera. I understand it takes time to get fixes in place and try to practice patience, but 1+ years seems like a long time for such a major issue.