"Warn on closing window with multiple tabs" question
passenger-chi last edited by leocg
Warn on closing window with multiple tabs" question
It doesn't work on private windows.
Is there a way to change this? -
saulobmansur last edited by
Sadly it's a "featured" seemly reproduced by all major browsers, probably designed by people who think the only usage for private browsing is to hide what you see from other people.
I myself use private navigation mainly when searching for products to buy, to avoid trackers and intrusive ads in the process. It's annoyingly common to accidentally close a window with a dozen tabs and loose all information without any warning, and for years I'm waiting for this basic option...
passenger-chi last edited by
Private browsing to hide from what other see makes sense if others have physical access to your computer.Hiding pr0n use from your boss or the other "boss" at home, for example. Or if you're worried about the government seizing your machine for some reason.
For normal non-sneaky browsing at home alone, it's (for example) great for keeping your YouTube session separate from your other Google activities.
saulobmansur last edited by
@passenger-chi For sure it makes sense, and it's probably the primary use for the average user. But not giving an option to change this default behavior could be seen as bad design, specially in those cases where there is no way to revert an accidental window close.
There were in fact discussions about this specific feature in the developers forum, and some of them were firmly against the omission of a close warning in incognito mode. They argued the risk of accidental data loss is, without doubt, much worse than taking a few miliseconds more having to click the "OK" button. But the decision was not up to them, and because this is not a critical feature the request as dropped.