Why does my reputation keep dropping?
best-codes last edited by
@leocg I have been answering questions on the forum for a little over a week now. I was doing fine, when suddenly my post required approval. I looked at my profile to see what the matter was, and my reputation was -4. The only reason I can think of why this would be is because I clicked the post and dislike buttons too often sometimes (I forgot that I couldn't until I had a higher reputation.) Could someone please tell me why my reputation went down (Preferably a moderator like @leocg)?
Thanks for your time,
Best_codes -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@best-codes Reputation is simply upvotes of your posts minus downvotes. I haven't looked through all your posts, but apparently someone didn't find a few of them helpful.
best-codes last edited by
@sgunhouse Thanks! I looked through my posts and found that one here:
Got -6 likes for some reason???