The Synchronization is Not Working Topic (Opera for Android)
david27 last edited by david27
@dinotapperini Opera Touch only shows he last 3 tabs you opened on PC.
targetpool last edited by
Interesting, I've been able to successfully sync my laptop with my current Android phone and one of my older Android phones no problem, but my other older Android phone just wont work , like the examples here - ("Failed to Connect")
A Former User last edited by
you are lucky, because from my laptop to my current android phon not syncSigh ...
macneiljoseph last edited by
Sounds like this is still happening - it will say "sync paused" on mobile and if I try to sign in again, it puts me in a loop of signing in/out and then still doesn't work. My experience is the same as other screenshots posted in this thread.
retenuova last edited by
I solved by removing the encryption on my phone in settings; I'm not sure if it was the the root cause but now sync is working fine.
gtyrb last edited by
I hope the following thread can also help us for it:
Thanks -
tokvemada last edited by leocg
PC sync not working.
I downloaded it... logged into my PC account. Synchronized with this... on the phone. launched the application, and "sync paused" -
velolaf last edited by
I downloaded Opera on my new smartphone and started working...generating new bookmarks and tabs..
Then I got back my old smartphone and wanted to get back all my old bookmarks which I'm still in need of.
So on both smartphones (both Opera) I connected with my Opera-identity (email + password) and tried the 'sync'.
Well, it did not work... Nor with the QR code process, in both ways (A scans B and B scans A), nor with the activation, on both, of Sync option (it turns around for a long while and then stops). On both phones too it asks indefinitely to ''connect'' (enter my Opera ID), whereas it's already done.
Very disappointed, on the way to save my 250 bookmarks 'by hand''... -
cmpnbq last edited by
After successfully logging into my account in the mobile browser, enabled sync does not work at all. Trying to check my bookmarks on makes me see endless loading animation. All saved passwords and bookmarks are inaccessible to me now. The problem is "global" because it also happens on other browsers and on the computer. Can someone explain me what can I do?
primalvisions last edited by
@cmpnbq exactly same with me. Started when I tried to go to Android 13 on my new pixel 7. Hopefully they will sort it out.
gcortesv last edited by
Two days ago suddenly Flow stops working in Opera for Android, and when I want to use it, I have to sync my phone to my computer. The problem is that my phone can't scan the QR code that my computer shows. In the other hand, after installing Opera Touch for Android, it can sync and works fine. Is this a fail, or an Opera strategy to use Opera Touch instead Opera for Android? Please help if you can.
eagleapk1 last edited by
@leocg said in The Synchronization is Not Working Topic (Opera for Android).
The Synchronization is Not Working Topic (Opera for Android)
i am also facing same problem