Infamous Microsoft Visual Runtime Error
JD401 last edited by leocg
Thanks for the tips so far, I just need to sit and try them out.
I Did do a little looking around at my graphics drivers recently. I wish I could remember exactly when the error started and roll back Windows to an older date!
What is the best way to backup Opera settings, by the way? I should know how to do that by now!
JD401 last edited by leocg
OK, here we go:
Turn Off Hardware Acceleration : I thought that fixed the problem but it turns out it doesn't
Reinstall C++: That didn't work But should I uninstall old versions? Will that make older stuff on my PC not work?
Update /Reinstall Video Driver : didn't help
Avast : not being used
Scan PC For Errors : didn't fix problem
Any other suggestions?
blackbird71 last edited by
@jd401 At this point, having tried all you mention, if it were my system, I'd try "clean-booting" the system ( to determine just what service is triggering the error message. This involves rebooting the system with all the services turned off and re-enabling them one at a time and rebooting until the problem recurs (or alternatively, disabling them one at a time and rebooting until the problem clears). That generally points to the cause of the problem, usually a particular driver or file corruption of some sort. However, not everyone feels comfortable with the amount and level of effort involved in a clean boot analysis. Otherwise, I'm out of suggestions.
Given that very few users are reporting this kind of problem, chances are very high that there's something peculiar/amiss with your particular system or its settings that's leading to the conflict which triggers the error message.
JD401 last edited by leocg
Blackbird - sounds like a good idea
I Thought I had fixed the problem by disabling the hardware acceleration But it only worked once...
BUT I Did notice something this morning after the PC started up for the day. Usually I open both a browser and Outlook at the same time. I may be wrong, and need to pay more attention to this, But I Think perhaps the Opera error does Not happen if I open it alone first thing in the morning.
If this is the case, maybe it is the Outlook program that is causing the problem? If so, why only first thing after the PC starts up?
blackbird71 last edited by
@jd401 When you "start" the computer each time the problem occurs, is that startup from a cold, powered-down state or from a hibernation/sleep state? When you say you "open both a browser and Outlook at the same time" when the problem occurs, does that mean they're automatically opening upon "start" using a "resume" mode (which implies the system is coming out of hibernation/sleep)? In that case, it's possible there's some kind of contention or race at auto-startup coming out of hibernation/sleep between Outlook and Opera involving a common driver or service; and that may be generating an error.
JD401 last edited by
Just for the record, YES this was indeed a Windows error... I uninstalled the last three versions of C++ and the error is gone. Not sure what happened, or if perhaps the fact I run Windows 7 Pro on this hard drive is the issue or not.
BUT I figured folks may like to know the "fix" just in case they end up with the same problem.
Not sure what will happen if I am ever told by a program that I need the latest version!