[Solved]Dark/night mode is very yellow
mekidon last edited by leocg
Android 11. Realme gt master.
Hi. Is there any way to remove the yellow color in Dark Mode? I just want black pages without the color filter. -
mekidon last edited by mekidon
@sgunhouse Maybe, but I think it's wrong. And for some reason it happens exactly in opera, there is no similar thing in other tabs. In the settings of the phone all filters and enegy saving are turned off.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@leocg I guess he didn't get it yet. When night mode is enabled, you can click on it in Settings and get to a screen where you can change both the intensity (dimming) and color temperature. I don't use night mode myself and didn't know you could change it until just now. Slide the color temperature left (towards white) and adjust the dimming as desired.
mekidon last edited by
@sgunhouse That's amazing! You are a holy man. All I had to do was press and hold the night mode key. Thanks.