Extension upgrade requires additional permissions...
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@trippin42 said in Extension upgrade requires additional permissions...:
Start Opera with --show-component-extension-options I havent a clue as to what this means so how can it help
While Opera is closed, open up a command prompt and type:
"path to Opera's launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
and press enter.
To find the the path that launcher.exe is in, in Opera, goto the URL
and look at the "install" path.Then, when Opera starts, goto the URL
and click the notification next to the extension that wants you to confirm the update of the extension. -
trippin42 last edited by
I did exactly what you said i closed Opera then pulled up command prompt i typed exactly what you wrote ..."path to Opera's launcher.exe "--show-component-extension-options
and it said ' "path to Opera's launcher.exe" ' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@trippin42 You don't literally put
"path to Opera's launcher.exe"
, you put:"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
"C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launch.exe" --show-component-extension-options
(Where you replace "yourusername" with your actual username on Windows.)
Or, you can try:
"%ProgramFiles%\Opera\launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
Again, if you goto the URL
and it says the install path isC:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera
, then you'd use:"C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
trippin42 last edited by
@burnout426 said in Extension upgrade requires additional permissions...:
ok i want understand this ... (for dummies like me Lol) working with command prompt is tricky it has to be exact, at least i think it does. so when it says ."path to Opera's launcher.exe " ( i was thinking it usually doesnt have spaces between words like that and the " " were also significant) .ok this is what i put in .EXACTLY "C:\Users\attil\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\Launcher.exe" --show component-extension-options
it opened up Opera in a new window (the message is still there
Cache: C:\Users\attil\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable
trippin42 last edited by leocg
i started thinking maybe the quotation marks arent supposed to be there, I did it again, this time without the quotation marks ( i do Exactly what it says ) and it opened a new Opera window Without that annoying message tada you did it you learned me something ......ie quotation marks mean a variable is inside and dont copy them in the command \
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@trippin42 The command line will not make the message go away but will allow you to see the hidden extensions and check if one of them is triggering the message.
trippin42 last edited by
Install: C:\Users\attil\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera
Profile: C:\Users\attil\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
Cache: C:\Users\attil\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable
this is what i see at Opera://about
So i typed in C:\Users\attil\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\Launcher.exe --show-component-extension-options and hit enter it opens a Opera window (cause it was closed) but there is NO info in the cmd box
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@trippin42 There won't be. After open Opera using the command line, go to the extensions manager page and see if one of them is asking for an update.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@trippin42 What extension is requiring the update? Here the warning doesn't show up.
cratte last edited by leocg
@Keepskite Hidden Extensions, Addons ! o_O
I found you cause i realized the unknown addon "Rich Hints Agent" in the Opera Browser Task-Manager.The hidden Opera Addon "Rich Hints Agent" vanished as i disabled the addon Copyfish.
In the Opera Task Manager (Shift+Esc) the Addon "Rich Hints Agent" seemed to be coupled with the addon
CopyfishFree OCR Software.
Clue: You have to look clearly at your Opera Task Manager which addons have some "hidden riders"!
Perhaps now i can explain why there were suspicious URL calls which i watched in the logger of the best Addon "uBlock Origin" (uBO), where I couldnt detect the source of them.
I blocked them in uBO by these rules:
www.yaunel.com: "Data & Advertising Solutions. Successful Retargeting with Yaunel."I will watch the Opera Task Manager and uBO logger for further fishy activities.
I seems uBO can not detect addon activities -
xxkernljrxx last edited by
@johnd78 How exactly do i do this i am new to opera and i am having the same issue
A Former User last edited by
Hi! This is strange because the developers have fixed this problem long ago. There are some concrete examples in this thread for launching a browser with the--show-component-extension-options
switch. -
xxkernljrxx last edited by
@johnd78 yes i know but i am trying to do this with opera gx but everything i try is not working so if you could please walk me through it that would be great.
albertop last edited by
To go to the extension, button on the right of message "go to the extension". So you click it and the extension needing permission do opens in extension handler. You will then find the permission request in the extension box, trigger it and done.
About disabling, I suppose disabling but not uninstalling would not solve the permission needed message.