Opera 68 is here with built-in Instagram in the sidebar
davey126 last edited by davey126
@andrew84 : Yep, everyone has their own idea. One assumes the Opera design team is taking notes and will determine what changes, if any, are needed. The bigger elephant in the room are the untold scores of silent user actions revealed through telemetry. If that returns favorable results then the loud and proud enthusiast bark fest probably won't change the default presentation but may score a more transparent switch in settings.
BTW - how's that Vivaldi project going, ya know the one that has a switch for everything? Might be an option for those dissatisfied with the current state of affairs.
gus138178 last edited by
Get back the tab menu by default, it was a mistake, and the instant search too its really useful with the full screen mode.
English is not my mother tongue; please excuse any errors on my part..
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@davey126 said in Opera 68 is here with built-in Instagram in the sidebar:
the loud and proud enthusiast bark fest probably won't change the default presentation but may score a more transparent switch in settings
Well, time will show whether Opera will handle all these multiple negative feedbacks on their forum and in the blog as a 'voice' of community and will offer some solution or handles it like a 'bark fest'.
*Regarding the Vivaldi browser, I don't know how is the project going because I use Opera. If I'll switch to Vivaldi(or any other browser) in future, maybe I will be more aware.
A Former User last edited by
@frelanser: You may right click in the tab area to reopen close tab. Right click to the right of the + to see the menu.
icemanww15 last edited by
@diegosdf: yeah same. it was like the one of the key features i used every time i used opera. i really hope they are putting it back.
Mehrzad last edited by
Replacing the recently closed tabs icon with the magnifier was a seriously bad idea. Lett comfortable, because that was simply reachable from the sidebar and the shortcut. Also the alt+space facility is gone, which is a second minus point
A Former User last edited by
I've been a great fan of Opera but this update makes me think about switching to another browser. Two points:
- Instant search accessible from the sidebar was an extremely useful feature. I can't see any reason to give it up.
- Replacing quick access to recently closed/open tabs by search in open tabs only is a mistake. Quick access to recently closed is much more useful than going into history which people usually use to make more detailed and reaching further back searches.
Consider bringing those two features back.
A Former User last edited by
Where is the feature where you could use search engines without opening a new tab? It was used to be the shortcut "Alt + Space", but that no longer works. I couldn't find a way to re-enable it.
Also, why are workspaces, duplicate tab highlighting and tab search claimed as new? I've been using them for a month now. -
kened Banned last edited by
@lukasz75: Disable this flag "opera://flags/#search-in-open-tabs"; the recently closed tabs icon will return.
kened Banned last edited by
@frelanser: Disable this flag "opera://flags/#search-in-open-tabs"; the recently closed tabs icon will return.
A Former User last edited by
@kened Thanks, I've done that already, but flags are for more advanced users and I'm critical about the general direction which the changes have taken.
kened Banned last edited by
@lukasz75: Me too. Quick access menu was very important for me. Now it's gone.
A Former User last edited by
@justwanttosaythis: same thing. Alt+Space was useful, and the tab search was already there. Now alt+space no longer works, and tab search is presented to us as something new