[Solved]Oops! Something went wrong ...
A Former User last edited by
It also often happens to me that the Opera browser hangs. Huawei Mate 20.
A Former User last edited by
Anything from Opera Technical Support on this?
Apparently, there are multiple customers and phones affected.
A Former User last edited by
@azjazz said in Oops! Something went wrong ...:
Anything from Opera Technical Support on this?
Apparently, there are multiple customers and phones affected.
Though nothing changed on my end (no Oxygen-OS-changes and no Opera update either) since there Problem occured, which was out of the box (I updated from Android 9 to 10 right away), the phenomenon of the cute kitty-cat seems to have vanished.
I haven't seen the behavior since yesterday I guess, visiting the same pages as when it occured.
Maybe it had to do with Cloudflare or some other service that didn't work well with Opera for Android (10)!? -
A Former User last edited by
@azjazz Opera for Android 53
At this link there is an active conversation about current errors and problems with the browser. You need to call to help: miyukiwork.
A Former User last edited by
Same here, This problem started ever since I updated to android 10 when about 20% of pages (mostly Google searches) would lead to the 'something went wrong' page, since it has developed to just not working at all, reinstalls won't fix it. OnePlus 7 Pro
A Former User last edited by sgunhouse
This is founder of newsgoals99 and i also having same problem with this @azjazz
A Former User last edited by
Let each of them report the failure via the website to the Opera's technical department:
Opera bug report wizard@miyukiwork several opera users have frequent and similar browser crashes.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
@azjazz @campedor92
Thanks for the bug report! We are looking into the problem.
A Former User last edited by
@miyukiwork - Thanks! I will be checking back for updates on a fix.
For now, I'm back to Chrome ...
A Former User last edited by
We have identified the issue and will be fixed in our next upgrade. For faster access to fix, you may install our Beta version.
KtmSoul last edited by
Problem still exists. I am on Android 10 , Oneplus 7 . The only way i got it working is the force stop and clear cache and reopen again. For some reason it stops working if i open after few hours, then again i repeat the same process and it works again.
A Former User last edited by
@KtmSoul @campedor92 Please let us know the version number of Opera browser you are having. Also please help us investigating further by answering few question.
- Are you referring here to get a "sad cat" on a page load?
- What do you mean by hang here, does Opera stopped forever or do you see a lag in performance?
- Does it happen on any specific steps like, opening a page or going into tab gallery or opening a new tab?
- Can you also check your device "Battery optimization" settings and if possible please check if changing the setting will help you
Neetesh -
A Former User last edited by
@neetesha probably a problem solved because I can't reproduce the error.
mrghoc last edited by
I just upgraded my OnePlus 7 Pro to version 10.0.1 and Opera is completely unusable. No page at all loads, the sad cat comes when I want to do anything. I've got the latest version I can install, 53.1.2569.142848. Nothing happens when trying different battery optimisation settings.
A Former User last edited by
I have installed the Opera Beta, and I haven't been seeing the "Oops!" cat anymore.
Thanks for the fix!
A Former User last edited by
@mrghoc please check if the problem also occurs in Opera Beta and let know on the forum.