Unrecognized requests in Opera.
A Former User last edited by
@donq said in Unrecognized requests in Opera.:
Maybe Opera is updating bookmarks and speed dial entries thumbnails...
They are static. I have never changed. And the requests are constant. Try it yourself.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Maybe it's checking things version/resources/default_partner_content.json (and or partner_speeddials.json) in the program files directory. Guess you could test with Wireshark to see the actual requests Opera is making. The port 5228 one might have to do with Google hangouts or something. But, I think that IP is owned by Ritter Communications or something, so I'm not sure.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg said in Unrecognized requests in Opera.:
It happens in a clean profile?
No, not clean, but I don't know what could contaminate it!
gmiazga Opera last edited by
@timezer0 which version of Opera you are exactly using? Here are possible legitimate request that could be happening in background:
Yandex - could be Zen news on opera:startpage but used currently on beta and developer in Russia
Facebook - some requests to messenger on sidebar?
Google - widevine updates? -
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Yes visited, but it can not mean that the site can without the knowledge of the user to start sending requests to the United States and Europe.
A Former User last edited by
@mgeffro Using the latest stable version. I don't use beta. Google and Facebook account do not have.The news feed is disabled. And your browser does not send unnecessary requests?Tried clearing cookies.
gmiazga Opera last edited by
@timezer0 the ones I mentioned could be expected requests. There also could be request for some favicons or other resources related to Speed Dial tiles on opera:startpage. Also for clean profile we display https://www.opera.com/client/welcome page which does make requests to Google, Facebook and Yandex for statistics.
Could you try to use for example https://www.telerik.com/fiddler (not sure if it will catch all request though) or some other tool so we could actually see what requests those are exactly?