Opera Updater - Firewall rule?
A Former User last edited by A Former User
opera.exe = vpn on = (that is if you decide to use opera's vpn instead of company's vpn..
= Ip Range - Tcp = Asia = Tcp Port 443
= Ip Range - Tcp = Europe = Tcp Port 443
= Ip Range - Tcp = Americas = Tcp Port 443umm.. i see this one sumtimes.. may see it when vpn is off..
= Ip Range - Tcp = Tcp Port 443opera_autoupdate.exe = vpn on or off
= Ip Range - Tcp = Tcp Port 443 = + your DNS TOO (i think)Note - sumtimes if when opera vpn does not connect.. or sumthin not right.. its cause Akamai Technologies, Inc wanna connect 1st.. (Big Brother i guess).. lol not always but sumtimes..
Ip Range - tcp = tcp port 80
towerplease last edited by
Hey @nvmjustagirl
so... i added all the IP-Ranges you said. But still the updates gives me a damn Error
I also was looking a bit in our FW-Logs, but i cannot find anything wrong, i get some packets "ALLOWED" by the Opera-Rule. There are only 2 IP's Blocked. 1 Which is from America, and whon from "KabelDeutschland". But i think they are not associated with Opera.Is not any Opera dev around the forum? He should know, which Networks, IP-Ranged and stuff needs to be unblocked. Maybe there is a kind of "Logviewer" for Opera which can show what the Problem is while Updating...
Thank you very much in advance!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@towerplease i got to think 'n even if ya don't have all the ips, you do know the ports which ya could allow any ips..
and i think ya pretty much got these basic ports for opera configured in your firewall (your udp dns port - tcp port 80 - tcp port 443)
so what if opera.exe & opera_autoupdate.exe has got or needs listen 'n port..
i've loaned my my test 'n laptop for the weekend..
but from what i saw both need listen 'n ports.. i can only see them for a split sec.. lol
i can't see port numbers but do know it the local port..
opera.exe need a Local Udp port
opera_autoupdate.exe needs Local Udp Ports too..add it to firewall rules to see if it helps..
i've got sum older ips i found that i never see n e more.. but i will post them later.. when i get that laptop back..
A Former User last edited by
@towerplease i never see these Opera Ips lately
Ip Range - tcp = tcp Port 443
Ip Range - tcp = tcp Port 443
Ip Range - tcp = tcp Port 443
Ip Range - tcp = tcp Port 443 -
towerplease last edited by
@leocg Thank you for the reply, where are the logs stored? I can't find any in C:\Program Files\Opera. That Logs would be very interesting!
Thank you in advance!
towerplease last edited by
@nvmjustagirl Thank you for the reply!
I have added the IP's you mentioned, and added everything with UDP too -> (HTTP/HTTPS 80/443 -> UDP and TCP)
But its not working, still getting "The update could not be downloaded" error. -
towerplease last edited by
@leocg I found the log in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable, but the autoupdater log is empty.
towerplease last edited by
Anyone wanna solve the Problem? Any opera Dev has to know which URL/IP/Port needs to be opened to get updater working.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@towerplease I've mentioned it to some Opera folks, but no response.