I can confirm this and really hope to get the old behavior back. Its just annoying...

Best posts made by towerplease
RE: Tab strip change size when I close a tabOpera for Windows
Changing Download behaviourSuggestions and feature requests
Hello there!
As an feature request, i would like to submit a change in the Download behaviour. When i say in the Settings "Downloadfolder C:\randomstuff\Downloads" i would like that everything gets saved there, except pictures with right click save as...
I get, almost to every download, the popup, where i want to save the file(s). Thats a bit annoying over the time.
Thank you in advance.
Greetings, Towerplease
Networkfirewall Exceptions for Opera-autoupdateOpera for Windows
Hey there fellow Opera-tors,
i want to ask if there is anything new to the topic of "Which IP-Networks/Domainnames/Ports do i have to whitelist in my Firewall to make Opera-Update work?"
I already created a thread back in 2018 but sadly didnt get any resolution for my problem.See here: https://forums.opera.com/topic/27491/sophos-firwall-blocking-opera-browser-from-updating
So that you dont get me wrong, it has nothing to do with local firewall (Windows Firewall) or some antivirus blocking.
We use a network firewall from the vendor "Sophos" which does all security-stuff in our organizations network. While we have the possibility to disable the firewall completely for certain users or computer (which make Opera autoupdate work) we cannot have this as a solution for everyone.
Our current "workaround" is manually downloading opera installer and perform a manual update. Better then nothing, but we really want to have opera to be updated automatically.
Maybe we can get some connection to an Opera-Dev which can tell me (and everyone else) which things have to be configured as an exception to make that autoupdate work.
Would be pretty nice!
Thank all of you in advance!Opera is best
RE: Changing Download behaviourSuggestions and feature requests
Hey, thank you for the quick response. The Picture download behaviour is ok for me, i just think the "normal" download behaviour could be optimized. I get asked on almost every "normal" Download, where i want to save this, but i already defined in options, that it should go to C:\Downloads and the checkbox "Ask before every download where to save" is unchecked.Thank you in advance!
Sorry for bad english
Latest posts made by towerplease
RE: Networkfirewall Exceptions for Opera-autoupdateOpera for Windows
it has been some time now and I would like to ask again if there is any documentation in the meantime which ports, IP addresses or URLs are used by Opera to update itself.
We are using a network firewall in our company, but until today we could not determine which exception Opera needs to successfully update itself.
Thanks in advance!
RE: Tab strip change size when I close a tabOpera for Windows
I can confirm this and really hope to get the old behavior back. Its just annoying...
Networkfirewall Exceptions for Opera-autoupdateOpera for Windows
Hey there fellow Opera-tors,
i want to ask if there is anything new to the topic of "Which IP-Networks/Domainnames/Ports do i have to whitelist in my Firewall to make Opera-Update work?"
I already created a thread back in 2018 but sadly didnt get any resolution for my problem.See here: https://forums.opera.com/topic/27491/sophos-firwall-blocking-opera-browser-from-updating
So that you dont get me wrong, it has nothing to do with local firewall (Windows Firewall) or some antivirus blocking.
We use a network firewall from the vendor "Sophos" which does all security-stuff in our organizations network. While we have the possibility to disable the firewall completely for certain users or computer (which make Opera autoupdate work) we cannot have this as a solution for everyone.
Our current "workaround" is manually downloading opera installer and perform a manual update. Better then nothing, but we really want to have opera to be updated automatically.
Maybe we can get some connection to an Opera-Dev which can tell me (and everyone else) which things have to be configured as an exception to make that autoupdate work.
Would be pretty nice!
Thank all of you in advance!Opera is best
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
Anyone wanna solve the Problem? Any opera Dev has to know which URL/IP/Port needs to be opened to get updater working.
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
@leocg I found the log in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable, but the autoupdater log is empty.
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
@nvmjustagirl Thank you for the reply!
I have added the IP's you mentioned, and added everything with UDP too -> (HTTP/HTTPS 80/443 -> UDP and TCP)
But its not working, still getting "The update could not be downloaded" error. -
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
@leocg Thank you for the reply, where are the logs stored? I can't find any in C:\Program Files\Opera. That Logs would be very interesting!
Thank you in advance!
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
Hey @nvmjustagirl
so... i added all the IP-Ranges you said. But still the updates gives me a damn Error
I also was looking a bit in our FW-Logs, but i cannot find anything wrong, i get some packets "ALLOWED" by the Opera-Rule. There are only 2 IP's Blocked. 1 Which is from America, and whon from "KabelDeutschland". But i think they are not associated with Opera.Is not any Opera dev around the forum? He should know, which Networks, IP-Ranged and stuff needs to be unblocked. Maybe there is a kind of "Logviewer" for Opera which can show what the Problem is while Updating...
Thank you very much in advance!
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
@nvmjustagirl thank you for the reply. So i dont use the adblock from opera, but i made the changes like you said, plus i added IP-Range - TCP in my Firewallrule. Sadly, the updater still wont work...
The Sophos link you gave me, is for the "AntiVirus" of Sophos. What is installed on the client to manage them. We only use the Firewall (Proxy) from Sophos, which is like a "classic" Firewall. I can just add something like IP's and IP-Ranges, URL's and stuff to create an exception for certain services or programs. The AntiVirus can give a local "Firewall" to the Client, but thats not what we have. On our company, we just have 1 firewall as a gateway to the internet (and VPN).
Thank you very much in advance!
RE: Opera Updater - Firewall rule?Opera for Windows
Hey @nvmjustagirl
thank you for the reply. Sadly, it didnt work. I added the IP-Range you mentioned to my Firewall rule (Exception opera.com, *.opera.com, TCP 80/443). Now, the Error while updating is not comming immediatly, it takes about 20 seconds, then i get "Error while searching for new Updates".
I added my Computer to a "Static_Exception" on our Firewall, which passes through everything for my Computer, then i get the Updater to work, but i cannot let every Computer open through Firewall.
I also disabled my AntiVirus (TrendMicro) so there is no blocking, but it didnt changed a thing. It even worked while TrendMicro on and Firewall Static Exception.
Our Windows Firewall is, as mentioned, disabled by Group Policy.
I guess there is a URL or IP / Port which gets blocked by our Firewall, which i need to add to the Opera Updater Rule.
Thank you very much in advance!