What is the best way to enable current verions of Opera (01-2017 that is 32-bit Architecture) to use RAM above 4GB in environment running high-end workstations?
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Our organization runs as both a federal law practice and an IT Security firm. We do use Opera on many of our workstations due to it being one of the best browsers in the industry.
Unfortunately, many of our workers have a habit of opening dozens and dozens of tabs and windows for research purposes most of the time, and given that our average system is a 3rd or 4th generation Xeon with an average RAM count of 128GB to 256GB, we'd like to be able to enable Opera in general; even though the newest versions (yes, we're current) are 32-bit and limited to using the first 4GB of RAM because of their 32-bit architecture, sometimes developers of proprietary software like Opera have their own way of enabling use of memory above 4GB for their 32-bit programs.
With the above being said, does Opera or anyone else with significant experience in enabling Opera to use additional RAM have any suggestions as to how we may best go about enabling Opera in its 32-bit format to use RAM above 4GB?
We want to go about this the best way possible, so before we go taking other measures, we'd like to hear some suggestions.
Thank you.
SLI Security
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@sgunhouse Windows 10 Enterprise. We've used Opera 64-bit when it was parallel to its 32-bit counterpart in the past, but had to abandon it since, as best we're aware, it hasn't been supported since version 12 (if remembering version numbers correctly). We do know of some programs that will enable the feature for 32-bit executables themselves; however, often the developers have a better way.
If there's a newer version of 64-bit Opera, we may have a joyful task on our hands of deploying it to all our workstations. Not intended as any type of light sarcasm either, in all honesty, we'd be thrilled if there's a newer 64-bit Opera. Is there?
SLI Security
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@leocg Perfect. Thank you. We'll make sure to download it, and setup a deployment strategy. "The right tool for the right job" is always better than modifying something with 3rd party programs and scripts.
We're glad we asked.
Thank you again for your help.
Best Regards,
SLI Security
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@sliadmin You said you're running 32 cpu ? if so, i don't think 64bit programs can run on 32bit cpu if it does your still stuck with the 4gb..
32-bit Windows cannot access more that 4GB of RAM (3GB by default unless specially configured) to run programs in because of address space limitations built into the CPU... Keep in mind that although 32-bit Windows can run on a 64-Bit CPU, the limit is programmatically enforced. *just say 'n..
n e ways nvmind, i must be missing sumthing..lol