Opera for Android 41 released in beta channel!
jens14l last edited by
Auto-filling and saving forms as well as login credentials would also be great (save on request and save manually in settings).
Deleted User last edited by
new opera 41 beta v41.1.2246.11164
allows to define a standard search engine other than google from preinstalled selection, but no user-defined additions (ie duckduckgo, startpage, yandex...)
mrninko last edited by
This is happening quite often after latest update to 41.2.2246 version
<a href='https://postimg.org/image/yu10y93kp/' target='_blank'>
mrninko last edited by
This is happening quite often after latest update to 41.2.2246 version
Missing 3-dot menu
sysblue last edited by
Can't even sign into my sync account to get the bookmarks I've synced
this is annoying!
mrninko last edited by
Any plans when do you finally fix forced red Opera logo in speed-dial? It happens since opera 41 and still happening (for now 41.2), see: https://youtu.be/we9OTGBvsKY
olonely last edited by admin
Have you fixed this bug?
https://forums.opera.com/topic/10195/can-t-sign-in-to-opera-account-on-android-app-temporary-server-error-please-try-again-laterI can not sync my bookmarks!
rebelwolf4622 last edited by
Where is the turbo mode for this new version
In settings. Click on the three line icon and then on the cog-wheel one.
I've looked there but don't see it. There used to be a tab you could click that said, enable turbo mode, or something along those lines so I'm wondering if it's changed are there's a difference way of going about it.
emniss last edited by
Is there an official APK download link (for Android sideloading) of the most recent Opera for Android beta? I can't find Opera for Android 41.x beta on the Opera FTP servers?
https://ftp.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera/android/beta/ (most recent file: Opera_37_Beta_3_Generic_Opera_ARMv7_LZMA.apk)
https://ftp.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera/android/3710/ (most recent file: Opera_37_1_Generic_Opera_ARMv7_LZMA.apk)
rebelwolf4622 last edited by
I've looked there but don't see it.
It's the first thing, just above 'full screen'.
The only thing above full screen is data savings and I don't use data.
rebelwolf4622 last edited by
The only thing above full screen is data savings and I don't use data.
How do you use Opera if you don't use data?
Anyway, data savings is what you are looking for.I use wifi
nerv2 last edited by
what you have planned new for 2017
They usually don't disclose future plans.
Yeah, but they don't disclose the present plans either.