Turn off Speed Dial Suggestions.
lando242 last edited by
Well, the only Speed Dial suggestions I know about can be turned off in the gear icon in the upper right of the speed dial page.
BTW, this is a ridiculous "invasion of privacy" for someone using a shared computer.
This is what multiple Windows user accounts were made for. Literally, that is why they exist. I'm not trying to be rude but you should kinda learn how to use your computer if stuff like this is important to you.
The fact that I visited Sears or Walmart or a controversial political site is my business. Not someone else's.
All browsers have a 'history' function. At any time the history can be accessed by someone on your user account and they can see everywhere you've been going back months or ever years. So, again, give these other people their own Windows user accounts. Or at least make use of Private Windows in Opera.
The search facility in Opera has always been wonky.
I've never had a problem with it and I have tons of custom search engines defined in the address bar. Are you talking about the Google search bar inside the speed dial?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
How do I turn off Speed Dial Suggestions? All I see are sites that were previously visited. Useless.
It seems that you didn't understand what Speed Dial Suggestions are.
(And please don't suggest using the Search function. I tried and literally nothing happens. Not even
a message that no results could be found.).If you are talking about the forum search then yes, it has been broken since a long time. You can use Google to search the forum if you need.
browzer1 last edited by
Speed Dial ... Suggestions ... are already turned off.
I've already seen this behavior before. (Where suggestions suddenly show up.)
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It seems that you are confusing different things here.
Are those Speed Dial entries appearing under 'Suggestions'? If not them they are not suggestions.
In this case they probably are partner ads that Opera adds to Speed Dial from time to time. If you remove them, you should not see them again.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
If it is listed as Suggestions then Suggestions is not turned off. Click on the sprocket at the top-right of the speed dial page and clear the box for "Show suggestions". If it comes back, for some reason your changes are not being saved, something like an improper shutdown or a locked profile folder.
mrsrk last edited by
Someone please help....How do I delete the Saved Pages Folder(or its contents) off the Speed Dial Page???? Am using Windows 10 phone.
A Former User last edited by
Well, last Opera update (40.0.2308.81) did restore into speeddial Opera ads (ebay,booking, ...) having been deleted before (or maybe were they different ones ?).
browzer1 last edited by
Today a bunch of suggestions again appeared at the bottom of the speed dial page.
Is this going to happen every time there's an update?
I did "x" it out the last time it happened. That "state" should remain.
Yes it's just an annoyance, but it's not professional.
And I have no intention of ever going to those sites. Such as slowtv.playtvak.cz
brpsycho last edited by
I've had that problem for months now. Every time I see a "suggestion" thing I close it, sometimes go check in the settings if the suggestions are turned off (gear icon), but after some time it reappears. I don't know if it's linked to the updates or if it happens randomly, but something is wrong with that feature, and I find it very irritating.