New Opera developer 41
bmpte last edited by
Wersja: 41.0.2315.0 developer System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
I have cable modem (many modems, few thousands, 2 or 20000, nevermind, eg. cisco EPC2203, but I test 6 models before I calm...). I wan't to login into internal pages of that modems... - works fine.
Ok, trying to admin page - .... Login: admin, Pass: ***** - fine.
Next authentication step (something like "2 factor"), Access Level, Login (again), Password (again) ... and ERROR.
"Strona nie działa Serwer nie wysłał żadnych danych." (eng: ~page xxx not work server does not send any data)
In console: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSESorry, in Chrome, Vivaldi, IE (from 5 to 11), EDGE, safari, opera 8.x / 12.x , Any_Other_Browser this WORKS FINE.
In brand new Opera in 2016y - NO.Rly?
nopileosx2 last edited by
Do you >
Wersja: 41.0.2315.0 developer System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
I have cable modem (many modems, few thousands, 2 or 20000, nevermind, eg. cisco EPC2203, but I test 6 models before I calm...). I wan't to login into internal pages of that modems... - works fine.
Ok, trying to admin page - .... Login: admin, Pass: ***** - fine.
Next authentication step (something like "2 factor"), Access Level, Login (again), Password (again) ... and ERROR.
"Strona nie działa Serwer nie wysłał żadnych danych." (eng: ~page xxx not work server does not send any data)
In console: net::ERREMPTY_RESPONSE
Sorry, in Chrome, Vivaldi, IE (from 5 to 11), EDGE, safari, opera 8.x / 12.x , AnyOtherBrowser this WORKS FINE.
In brand new Opera in 2016y - NO.
Rly?Do you ave Opera Turbo activated ?
I can not acess my router at all if i have it on, so turn of "Opera Turbo" and try again.Also Opera devolper can be unstable, you can try the normal or beta version and maybe report if it doesn't work there either
bmpte last edited by
Nope, turbo off, proxy off, adblocks off.
And I know differences between Stable and Dev... ;p...and one more thing, why disabled input boxes (maybe textareas and other disbaled/inactive elements too) have disabled possibility of copy text?
This is uncomfortable and painful ...
A Former User last edited by
I'm running 40.0.2306.0 on Windows-7 Prof and want to install 41.0.2315.0 in a separate directory for recovery.
I also want to install 41.0.2315.0 on another machine running Windows-7 Prof 64-bit.I keep getting 404 - Not Found for the Opera_Developer_41.0.2315.0_Setup.exe
and all such links.Also, I can't find any information on direct FTP access to download Opera using my favorite FileZilla FTP program.
Any help here?Mahalo (Thanks in Hawaiian)
OperaCat -
A Former User last edited by
Aha! 15:15 HST the download just worked. Thanks to the good person who fixed it.
I still would prefer asynchronous FTP without using any browser. ): -
l33t4opera last edited by
New build - Opera developer 41.0.2323.0, the change log, and the announcement
"Yesterday we celebrated an Armed Forces Day in Poland. That’s why our weekly update on developer stream is on Tuesday. What we’ve got?
– Bug fixes: navigation after preview, transparent header
– Web feeds improvements, especially parsing of images
– Incremental search results (especially useful when entering the address of page with several web feeds).
There are more fixes included. Please check out full change log for details.
Known issue: VPN – there are some issues with service availability, so you’ll notice that there is never-ending ‘Connecting’ status displayed. Our developers are already working on it."
The issue with the advanced keyboard shortcuts enabled seems to be fixed.
The Chromium has been updated to version 54.0.2810.2.
\m/ :cheers:
A Former User last edited by
TLS 1.3 is now supported.
However, there is no flag to enable it, so one has to add
manually. -
acemcfee last edited by
Thanks Opera developers - VPN now connects. Unfortunately "unauthorized access" issue remains.
A Former User last edited by
I have opera devp 64 bit ver 40.why i do not receive an update to ver 41 ?
A Former User last edited by
There is currently no 64-bit version of 41 for Windows.
A Former User last edited by
does not has opera auto update feature ? before i did not update manual .
nopileosx2 last edited by
I have a problem with the "Shortcuts".
I installed the SoundCloudButton ( and i wanted to change the Shortcuts because i don't have the default buttons on my keyboard.I wanted to chane it to "Ctlr+Shit+1" and it did not work and it seems like i can not add shortcuts at ll to extension.
For Opera Browser features like "New Tab"/"Dev Console" ... i can add shortcuts with no prolem.
I also tried it in the stable version and it worked.Is this a bug or just something normal in the opera devolper version ?
nopileosx2 last edited by
it seems like i can not add shortcuts at ll to extension.
Was it ever possible?
SoundCloud Button is an opera extension.
This is possible in the stable version but not in the deveolper version, in the devoloper version adding shortcuts for extensions just don't seem to work.
l33t4opera last edited by
New update - Opera developer 41.0.2329.0, the change log,
and the announcement"Personal news highlights:
– Web feed update bug fixed. New content gets fetched automatically.
– Web feed preview. For example, head to and click “All Mars” link. Content will be displayed using layout known from personal news (you can switch between two modes). Moreover, you can also add this feed to your sources. Note: If you have RSS detection extension, you may need to disable it.
– My sources configuration stored in preferences, and synced with Opera account.
– Usual round of fixes, and visual improvements.Other fixes:
– Crash on dragging tab out, when page is loading is now fixed. It was a nasty one, and some of you were reporting this issue.
– Crash on adding own theme in private window is also fixed.
Chromium is updated to the version 54.0.2824.2."
\m/ :cheers:
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @nopileosx2, you're right, it seems to be a bug, it doesn't work in the Opera beta, and Opera Developer as well.
zeusghost1 last edited by
Hi! l33t4opera, can you inform situation with Opera developer 41.0.2329.0 for Linux and how is fixing of VPN going on. VPN seems to try connect and gives IP for different countries, but it can't make connection to the site I'm trying to connect and after some time gives "Unauthorized access."
It would be nice if somebody could also explain how working part of Opera Dev is constantly broken all over again. What is the point of publishing even test version if it's not working at all.
Answer and some kind of an timetable would be nice, thank you for your efforts!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It would be nice if somebody could also explain how working part of Opera Dev is constantly broken all over again. What is the point of publishing even test version if it's not working at all.
The difference between Stable, Beta and developer channels
An excerpt:
"The developer stream is what is often referred to, in development terms, as bleeding-edge or the unstable streams. >Referring to the risk of suddenly getting cut by an unpolished developing feature."
zeusghost1 last edited by
leocg, thank you for the answer! I'm still waiting actual explanation, because I do understand the difference between those channels.
My guess is, why working developer version --> and I mean VPN part of the browser, is not working after next update! Guess is --> different people write same code and do not communicate what they do. That is probably the reason.
And, want to point out again, I'm talking about VPN part of the browser, it is constantly broken all over again in every second version of the browser. Leave the working code alone, thank you!
ps. otherwise coders are writing never ending story, those changes of icon looks are really not important and sadly only changes that work