Wersja: 41.0.2315.0 developer System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
I have cable modem (many modems, few thousands, 2 or 20000, nevermind, eg. cisco EPC2203, but I test 6 models before I calm...). I wan't to login into internal pages of that modems... - works fine.
Ok, trying to admin page - .... Login: admin, Pass: ***** - fine.
Next authentication step (something like "2 factor"), Access Level, Login (again), Password (again) ... and ERROR.
"Strona nie działa Serwer nie wysłał żadnych danych." (eng: ~page xxx not work server does not send any data)
In console: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
Sorry, in Chrome, Vivaldi, IE (from 5 to 11), EDGE, safari, opera 8.x / 12.x , Any_Other_Browser this WORKS FINE.
In brand new Opera in 2016y - NO.