Problem With Web Page Dispaying PDF FIle
donq last edited by
My and lando242 IE doesn't display this barcode either, only few numbers are visible and changing - can't be only Chrome thing.
MS Edge even didn't show these changing numbers instead of barcode.
Does anyone have Adobe reader to try out? Has anyone besides original poster seen any barcodes on that PDF at all?
bbildman last edited by
My and lando242 IE doesn't display this barcode either, only few numbers are visible and changing - can't be Chrome thing.>
Are you using IE 11 and Windows 7?? Because if so, that is mighty curious, as I am able to go toi that link and IE 11 definitely has the barcode.
donq last edited by
Windows 10 and its native IE.
What I read from your forms website: " We are publishing many of our forms in a 2-column, Adobe fillable format. " Can it be possible that you need Adobe PDF components to see barcode? I have none here
IE is using Foxit component, Opera its internal one and Edge most likely its internal one either.
bbildman last edited by
Opera 38.0.2220.41 definitely opens PDFs on its own, due to the included Chrome PDF Viewer (2 files) (check your plugin list in Settings/Developer/Plugins).
If you disable the internal Chrome PDF Viewer (2 files) in Opera, and click on the PDF link I posted in the first message in this thread, Opera will ask you where you want to download it (instead of opening it within Opera. Which defeats completely the entire worth of the on-line version that has barcodes that will change each time you fill in a blank and when finally filled out on-line will allow you to download it WITH the blanks filled in and also the appropriate 2D barcodes.
donq last edited by
Sorry, this page is static PDF and it will be filled identically either online or offline.
Maybe I was not clear earlier - do you have Adobe PDF Reader installed? From this entire thread I can conclude exactly one thing - this barcode is visible only in Adobe Reader.
bbildman last edited by
Yes I have Reader installed. BUT the page when displayed online is using the Opera/Chrome PDF Reader extension that is internal and a part of Opera. I do not know what would happen if I did not have Reader installed and opened the PDF link. If you install Opera and do not have Reader installed, would Opera tell you to download Reader in order to open the PDF page...or just open it using its own PDF intrinsic reader?
I believe the issue is Opera's intrinsic PDF Reader, because IE11 and O12.17 use an already installed Adobe Reader to display it within the web page.
IMO, the function of Opera's internal PDF Viewer SHOULD BE to replicate exactly the way Adobe Reader displays PDF content. If it does not, it is remiss because Adobe Reader is the defacto PDF Reader across all platforms.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Opera 38.0.2220.41 definitely opens PDFs on its own, due to the included Chrome PDF Viewer
Yep, but not Opera Presto (Opera 12 and older) like i said. It demands a PDF reader plugin to open PDF files inline.
I do not know what would happen if I did not have Reader installed and opened the PDF link. If you install Opera and do not have Reader installed, would Opera tell you to download Reader in order to open the PDF page...or just open it using its own PDF intrinsic reader?
What Opera? Like i said, Opera Presto needs a plugin to open PDFs so if there isn't one then it asks what to do with the file.
Opera Blink will probably use CXhromium PDF reader plugin.I believe the issue is Opera's intrinsic PDF Reader, because IE11 and O12.17 use an already installed Adobe Reader to display it within the web page.
It would be interesting to know how other PDF readers behave on this.
bbildman last edited by
Leo, my comments all pertain to Opera Blink, because for me the only issue is O38's inability to display THIS PDF correctly. The only reason I brought up Opera Presto is because it DOES work perfectly with this PDF. My intent is to bring to light the insufficiency of the internal Chrome viewer used by Opera Blink.
My sense is that the Dept of State targeted ADOBE Reader (the industry standard) in developing their 2D Barcode. I filed a bug report, so let's see if it gets corrected.
Mucho thanks for your input.
A Former User last edited by
Opera 11.62 loads and displays the document and form.
It doesn't seem to work very well in this browser, but yes, I can see the "bar code", kinda in the middle there.
I do have an Adobe Reader installation here on my system, as well as various other products of Adobe. -
bbildman last edited by
I have found a solution, if you simply save the empty (not filled in) PDF to a folder from within Opera (at this point there is NO barcode)...and then open it using Adobe Reader, voilà ...there is the barcode that changes each time you do an entry. The PDF file IS fillable and savable off-line, and the barcode DOES change each time you make an entry (tic a box or fill in any of the empty entry boxes).
My mistake was ASSUMING that if you saved the Opera opened PDF file and then re-opened it in Reader, the resulting PDF would also have no barcode. I was wrong, and now the issue is mute.
Thanks to all for responding.