Problem With Web Page Dispaying PDF FIle
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Have no clue, I use Opera 99.99% of the time, and IE when O38 has a problem.
I asked because Opera uses Chromium's PDF reader plugin so if the same problem is happening in Chrome then it may be an issue in that plugin.
Anyway, just checked here and i couldn't see any bar-codes with Chrome too.
bbildman last edited by
Thanks for checking. I must assume then that the plugin is somewhat defective. A shame because this is an important issue.
A Former User last edited by
Here is the page::
On this form, there should be a bar code sprawled across the bottom of each page of the form, which actively changes as you enter data in each entry box.For what it's worth, opening in my Firefox, it says "filling forms not supported".
Guessing some extension/addon needed? -
bbildman last edited by
These online fill-in PDF documents are especially fabricated to work in all browsers without special extensions. PDF viewing online is a part of all browsers. Obviously O38's internal PDF viewer has issues in this regard.
bbildman last edited by
Using O38??
What then might be the problem on my laptop using O38 and Win 38?
lando242 last edited by
Win 38
It might be that your future technology isn't compatible with our primitive technologies. Nice to know that Windows 38 has pretty good backwards compatibility though.
bbildman last edited by
So....are you reporting that with O38.0.2220.41, the link above DOES show a bar code at the bottom of each page?? or are you using a different version of Opera??
Where do I report bugs etc??
idrin last edited by
To report desktop issues, please use this one:
lando242 last edited by
Viewing that page in Edge: No bar code, no form filling.
Viewing in Chrome: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in Opera: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in Internet Explorer: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in FoxIt PDF reader: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in Windows 10 PDF Reader: No bar code, has form filling.So, based on that I'm thinking the bar code thing is broken. The most I get is a couple of letters or numbers down then when I fill in fields.
bbildman last edited by
Just to expand the discussion, here is the documentation from the US Customs & Immigration Service page for filling out certain PDF files that include 2D bar codes::
"New Data Collection Technologies: Beginning with Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, we will publish our high-volume forms with 2D barcode technology. When you complete these forms using a computer, the barcode at the bottom of the page will store the data entered on the form. We will be able to scan the information from the barcode and upload it directly to USCIS systems, allowing us to improve data quality and operational efficiency."
Please visit this page which includes an image of an example of a PDF page that includes 2D bar code at the bottom.
With thousands of applicants using the USCIS pages that include links to on-line fill-in PDF files (downloadable AFTER filling them in with on-line for submission to the Dept of State) with 2D bar code that allows the Dept of State to scan documents, it seems remiss for ANY browser not to display these correctly...including Opera 38.0.2220.41.
Thanks for putting up with my queries, but this is important.
donq last edited by
Viewing in Opera: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in Internet Explorer: No bar code, has form filling.
Viewing in FoxIt PDF reader (even with javascript enabled): No bar code, has form filling.Looks like I have something missing on my PC too. Some font perhaps? (PDF doesn't include any barcode fonts.) Or do I live on wrong region (non-US)?
bbildman last edited by
Don't think it's about "barcode fonts" because both my Opera 12.17 AND IE11 (Windows 7) display the barcode correctly - including form filling - on each page. Only Opera 38.0.2220.41 does not on my system. Someone here mentioned Chrome does not display the barcode.
I believe this is a bug within the Chrome/Opera PDF internal extension
donq last edited by
My and lando242 IE doesn't display this barcode either, only few numbers are visible and changing - can't be only Chrome thing.
MS Edge even didn't show these changing numbers instead of barcode.
Does anyone have Adobe reader to try out? Has anyone besides original poster seen any barcodes on that PDF at all?
bbildman last edited by
My and lando242 IE doesn't display this barcode either, only few numbers are visible and changing - can't be Chrome thing.>
Are you using IE 11 and Windows 7?? Because if so, that is mighty curious, as I am able to go toi that link and IE 11 definitely has the barcode.
donq last edited by
Windows 10 and its native IE.
What I read from your forms website: " We are publishing many of our forms in a 2-column, Adobe fillable format. " Can it be possible that you need Adobe PDF components to see barcode? I have none here
IE is using Foxit component, Opera its internal one and Edge most likely its internal one either.
bbildman last edited by
Opera 38.0.2220.41 definitely opens PDFs on its own, due to the included Chrome PDF Viewer (2 files) (check your plugin list in Settings/Developer/Plugins).
If you disable the internal Chrome PDF Viewer (2 files) in Opera, and click on the PDF link I posted in the first message in this thread, Opera will ask you where you want to download it (instead of opening it within Opera. Which defeats completely the entire worth of the on-line version that has barcodes that will change each time you fill in a blank and when finally filled out on-line will allow you to download it WITH the blanks filled in and also the appropriate 2D barcodes.
donq last edited by
Sorry, this page is static PDF and it will be filled identically either online or offline.
Maybe I was not clear earlier - do you have Adobe PDF Reader installed? From this entire thread I can conclude exactly one thing - this barcode is visible only in Adobe Reader.