It is/was a free service with a TOS attached, Which was obviously agreed too. People were notified about the termination of the free service, which was initially announced sometime last year. Failing to move to another service (free or otherwise) would then be of the users responsibility.
Being a paying Opera browser user (of which I was one too), has no bearing on any of the services that Opera ASA offer now or in the future. As that paid subscription was for the usage of the Opera browser (with advertising removed) and any technical support that user may need during the subscription period, which was initial one year, usually accompanied by a free gift (Opera branded mouse mat being one). The subscription based browser model for individual users was closed many years ago, so support or re-reimbursement of said service is very unlikely, as those two services that are mentioned are unrelated and are from two different time-frames.
Yep!, it sounds as though you are alone in a very large and empty echo chamber, with only the sound your own voice to keep you company.