Last night or, early the following morning MST, the error was that was breaking the browser on 4.4.4 was addressed first seen in the beta version then, the standard channel release version. Many thanks to the Opera team and commentators of the forum that replied to this post.
@capeopera Just delete it. Opera gets paid by third parties to promote their sites, but does not force you to keep it. It shouldn't come back - not that you won't get a different ad with some future update.
I just created another account to sync, I'm going to try syncing again on the desktop and on another mobile device. Lets see if this works
So, I was successful on syncing another mobile device, all my bookmarks are there, but on desktop I loged in and nothing happend, bookmarks dont show up.
EDIT: SO I got all it working, bookmarks are on the desktop now.
@sgunhouse you can customize the categories you want to see, and the news will be tailored depending on your browser activities. That alone puts it on a better position than edge, which only relies on msn, and firefox, where you can't control which news are displayed.
As you may have noticed, I'm a news junkie. If opera mobile can make me open the speed dial articles in separate tabs to keep the continuity, the browser will be perfect.