I had same problem on server 2012 R2 and I threw opera away
reinstalling cleaning etc... nothing helps, everything after upgrade to 30
in new opera can't disable cache so command line is even less possible
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I had same problem on server 2012 R2 and I threw opera away
reinstalling cleaning etc... nothing helps, everything after upgrade to 30
in new opera can't disable cache so command line is even less possible
But old Opera was doing without it (Firefox can also disable) and finally can use RAM cache ?
As in topic, can block access to cache folder by setting proper permission but is not the point, how to do it in more elegant way ?
I already know what is causing the problem, I moved cache to other slow drive using symbolic link, Opera during first start rebuilds cache or something like that, which is slowing down Opera during start
Now I have to find how to disable or block cache
First opera start, after system start is always very slow I have to wait up to one minute to see Opera window, is very irritating and confusing
How to speed up start process ?
I using laptop with with i7-7200m and GPU Nvidia GTX-880m, SSD and plenty of RAM so it's not problem with insufficient computing power or slow HDD