@burnout426 No burnout, Extension doesn't detect the main program. When a file comes in, I get notification that I need to Install IDA although it's installed.
Don't worry about it, I appreciate you being with me all the time.
As noted above, this issue has been reported to Chromium devs before and judging by the comments on Monorail, they ignored it. We'll see if they do something about it now though I don't have much hope.
I'm gonna go back to my old browser, MX5. It has a build in module which detects all download managers and doesn't require any extensions to do so.
Although MX5 has been discontinued and new MX6 is chromium based, which is entirely a clone of Google Chrome. Why would I want to use that ?
Now either Chromium fix this bug so I can switch to Opera or I'm gonna stay on old MX5 and see for how long it works before things start breaking up. New technology is moving at fast speed.
I'd like to thank you from the core of my heart for all the support. If the devs of these programs were as committed as you're, we would have been in a different pool altogether.
One thing I would like to keep from Opera, it's speed dial background wallpapers. Do you know where Opera keeps them ?