@paul-durham Hi Paul, did they/do they pay you to say this?
Because I am not seeing it.
After leaving my computers on for three days with an old version of Opera which acknowledges my account settings and my sync options I had to take a windows update, this closes the old version of Opera and reboots the computer, on reopening the old version of Opera the new obnoxious version has reappeared and all my data is wiped from my account,
not just a browser issue, an account issue here too
I am getting tired of saying what this fiasco has cost me in terms of work and income, and stressing by coming here and answering many others with the same problem to help them find a way to go and retrieve their in-account data by rolling back to an old version of Opera, these people need help, and your post is not helpful, it doesn't help them get to it.
Now, I don't save my payment details in my browser thank heavens, but for those who did rolling back is the only way to be reassured that it is in there, safe.
The sooner Opera technicians acknowledge there is a problem with some accounts the better (maybe there's another layer of settings involved, so it only reset sync on some accounts, like, for example those with custom syncs, those who do not save history, I don't know, this is for them to figure out).
To give you more info, please see the screenshots, the one that says Do not sync data is how my sync settings appear after the obnoxious update, this is why the info isn't there, because this simple setting ensures it doesn't get carried across (you are welcome Opera, I don't mind doing your work for you by identifying the problem, but only you can fix it).

The other picture is what my sync settings look like when I roll back to an earlier browser.

I give Opera three days to acknowledge this, as I already gave them three by reporting over and over here that this is a problem.
It's a pity I couldn't take a wage for identifying this problem for, Opera, it might make up for some of the income I lost while having no access to work essential research and passwords.