this is not specific to mint / ubuntu
But also all debian base distro and fedora.
I dont understand why opera team since they decide release a complete redesign browser, why didnt fix the problem witn .deb and .rpm packages for linux.
Why not make the browser search for codec package like ffmeg, openH264 in user machine. Why no Ask to install ?
A browser like Brave automatically detect the codecs and works fine even with a snap codec base.
In some old posts alredy asked this, Why Opera still does not Fix this? i dont want to install / to use snap if i am using fedora, mint , popOS, etc.
Please fix this, just use openH264 ( with libopenh264 decoder) inside of Opera or Fix the Paths to find which codecs the user machine has.
Maybe i will create a seprate post about, because the old one about this issue was closed which i dont agree with the solution.