@treego Again, allow me to clarify my point on extensions with no disrespect:
Your perceptions of negligible system impact may or may not be accurate and I won't debate you on that. I don't know what impact these extra's have, given that there are literally an incalculable combination of different PC configurations out there. That was NOT my point; my point is that they are EXTRA's and not needed to make the browser a browser.
Why not make Opera's weather and twitter functions an Opera branded extension? If you trust Opera, then this should NOT be a problem, right? Or better yet, an option during installation/update, and if you choose NO, then have the ability to install the extension from Opera's own selection of extensions; wouldn't THAT make everyone happy?
BTW: I wouldn't recommend installing some "random extension" from the Chrome store.
In terms of "privacy and such", this was my attempt to foster an understanding of my viewpoint and I stand by my points.
PII is important to consider whether to adopt/keep a browser, app or whatever you choose to use.
PII is a big concern (granted, for me but maybe others) and forcing these types of updates without the proper peer review and the lack of disclosure of data collection practices is EXACTLY why I left Chrome.
I posit to you this: What if Opera one day decided to incorporate a bitcoin data mining "function", without letting you know after you got the latest update? Would this concern you? The impact on you system could be negligible, so what's the harm, right? Would you like to know what information is being transmitted? How about knowing how to fully disable and uninstall such functionality? How much trust would you then have with Opera? To me, there is NO DIFFERENCE in ideal or outcome. Granted, this example is a whole different animal, but I do hope my point is made.
In terms of trust, I can only say this: I trust Opera until they break my trust. I'll choose to trust Opera, but I also choose to verify what Opera does.
BTW: Thank you for your viewpoints too, as they do matter!