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I can confirm this issue. The tab is blank until completely loaded and that sometimes takes up to 15 seconds here. Opera is installed on an SSD and I have 24 entries on the speed-dial page.
I managed to create an account wiht and I got as far as the control panel. However, Opera never seem to have installed the certificate that was created during account creation. When (still loged on to control panel) I go to Opera Settings I can't see the new certificate from startssl. It is simply not there.
I had the pleasure to deal with this bug yesterday. ;_;
It's getting cold.
Like 1 °C this morning and a few days ago -3 °C in the morning. I guess I move to Florida. Aren't Alligators tasty?
Is it starting maximized at step 4?
Or maybe to Adobe Flash 16 Beta ( It's working fine here. After I was sure that it was working fine I uninstalled the NPAPI-version of Flash.
Weird about that Flash Beta for Opera is that it's version number is lower than the newest Adobe Flash stable, which is at
You can also close a tab with a click on the mouse wheel, if your mouse supports that (or the middle mouse button?).
The four bookmarks were in unsorted bookmarks folder.
Just for testing I added a new folder "Test" and moved the four bookmarks to it. Still works fine.
Then I created the folder "test2" and moved the folder "Test" into it. Still works.
The last thing I tried was moving two bookmarks from the "Test" folder to the "test2" folder. So two of the bookmarks are in "Test" and two in "test2". Still working.
Ah you tricked me. Always these people with various identities.
By the way I am watching you on serversupportforum with my other identity (if that is you). :ninja:
Just added four bookmarks related to "support" to my Opera 27 Developer install and entered support in the address field and it showed me four entries (with the heart icon). So I guess I can not confirm this bug.
Opera 27.0.1689.2
Windows 8.1 64-bit
No problem with Opera 27.0.1689.2 on Windows 8.1 64-bit.
Looks like another user is seeing this:
Similar behavior here as described by sgunhouse, but I don't see it that often.
I guess the performance of the PC and maybe the speed of your Internet connection is a factor.
Is hardware acceleration enabled?
Probably not much you can do to fix that.
Many webbrowsers use(d) NPAPI for plugins.
Google invented a new way to handle plugins (Pepper/PPAPI) with some advantages:
They are actually planning to remove NPAPI and only use PPAPI.
Steps to reproduce:
Watch one of the Top X-Videos
Let the video play to the end or skip near the end to save some time
Anyone can confirm this?
Opera 26.0.1656.24 and 27.0.1689.0
Adobe Flash (PPAPI)
Windows 8.1 64-bit
I switched yesterday from NPAPI to the PPAPI flash plugin without any problems. Working fine so far.
You might consider to uninstall the NPAPI flash if PPAPI is working fine for you. You can see the detected plugins here (click on show details at the top right corner):
Nevertheless Opera wouldn't load both plugins, but prefers PPAPI as far as I know.