I agree for many of the same reasons as given above.
Posts made by berng
- Suggestions and feature requests
RE: Disable the hearts menu?Opera for Windows
Will stash be retained in future Opera versions if bookmarks are removed?
I just use the bookmarks bar and stash. I don't need the "new" bookmarks. I want to keep stash.
RE: RIP Stash, and long live bookmarks!Opera for Windows
I would agree, but at the moment it's one or the other.
I know. I already pointed that out last week internally, but nobody seemed to care.Another shoot myself in the foot by Opera.
RE: What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?Opera for Windows
I don't care what it feels like to you. The company is doing very well whether you like it or not. it's a little early to say their doing pretty well. bloomberg reports they had a first quarter loss in 2014. Link? Their 1Q2014 shows a profit. Their revenue increased 40% over 1Q2013. http://www.operasoftware.com/company/investors/finance
-0.12. not +. hover on the link for interpretation.
That minus means a negative from the ANALYST ESTIMATES. They have a profit of .12. If there was a loss, then the bar would be pointing pointing downwards from the zero point with the color being red instead of green.
without getting into this to far (it's off topic and boring), they did not have a first quarter profit. their earnings did not compensate their expenditures. there is an ยง Adjusted EBITDA of MUSD 22.7 that is burried in opera's cost presentation. this graph highlights it. actual earnings of 0.12 equates to "a negative surprise" for the first quarter of "-75.78%". that is why opera's price fell .6 after this announcement.
the point was, it is still early to say that the new direction will be a profitable one.It may be off topic but you're the one who started this with your incorrect comment "it's a little early to say their doing pretty well. bloomberg reports they had a first quarter loss in 2014."
There was NO loss. They had a profit.
RE: What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?Opera for Windows
I don't care what it feels like to you. The company is doing very well whether you like it or not.
it's a little early to say their doing pretty well. bloomberg reports they had a first quarter loss in 2014.
Their 1Q2014 shows a profit. Their revenue increased 40% over 1Q2013.
-0.12. not +. hover on the link for interpretation.
That minus means a negative from the ANALYST ESTIMATES. They have a profit of .12. If there was a loss, then the bar would be pointing pointing downwards from the zero point with the color being red instead of green.
RE: What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?Opera for Windows
I don't care what it feels like to you. The company is doing very well whether you like it or not.
it's a little early to say their doing pretty well. bloomberg reports they had a first quarter loss in 2014.
Their 1Q2014 shows a profit. Their revenue increased 40% over 1Q2013.
Your link shows a .12 per share PROFIT.
RE: What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?Opera for Windows
I don't care what it feels like to you. The company is doing very well whether you like it or not.
it's a little early to say their doing pretty well. bloomberg reports they had a first quarter loss in 2014.
Their financial report for 1Q2014 shows a profit. Their revenue increased 40% over 1Q2013.
RE: Will Opera be supported on Window XPOpera for Windows
Originally posted by artmil:Originally posted by leushino:Remaining with an OS that is more than a decade old is simply foolish "if" you can afford to move forward. If you can't... well... there's really no option.I agree withe the first part... but windows is not the only operating system. Depending on the usage you can have a faster, more secure, reliable and up to date system for free. True. I also learned today from the WW show that support for Windows 7 will cease in March of 2015 (that's only two years). Whether MS will choose to extend it or not remains unclear. The point is, if you are debating purchasing a new Windows computer, buying a Windows 7 system might not be the wisest choice. According to the sources, the start menu is being added back to the Windows 8 OS just a few months from now and the fact that Windows 8 "is" a more secure OS than Windows 7 is sort of a no-brainer since you can now boot directly to the desktop.
Win 7 support ends 1/14/2020.
By then one can safely upgrade from Win 7 to Win 9. It seems every other Win release is a bit of a dud.
RE: v21 vs v20? Stable yet?Opera for Windows
Nothing has been added or improved since version 15. All that's happened is the version number has increased by +1 every few weeks.
Really? Either you're trying to create controversy by lying or you are too stupid to have seen the many very obvious changes since 15.
So are you trolling or just plain stupid?
RE: How do I make Opera quit nagging me about updates?Opera for Windows
For the new Opera add the following Environment System Variable to Windows:
Anything such as 'c' as the value -
RE: Opera 20 not compatible with Yahoo AnswersOpera for Windows
What you're suggesting, I think, is that it's not related to prejudice or an effort to "get" Opera, but rather is because site developers are trying to limit maintenance costs for sites they develop. It's easier to just set up the site for a limited number of browsers. And I guess that's where having a leading market share helps. I was naive
and thought there were simply coding (html or whatever now) standards, and that what was necessary was for the site to meet them, and for the browser to do so also. I guess that's just the ideal world. On the other hand we are talking about Yahoo Answers not working with Opera. Yahoo is a major player. So are we to take it then that Yahoo is just trying to save costs in maintenance? Perhaps they can get away with this with browsers with a smaller market share. If they did it to Firefox, there would be more of a fury to pay from their users.
Its not the developers. Its the business group. They allocate money for projects. I worked for Chase bank, home banking, and many of us personally used Opera. But we were directed not to QA test with the Opera browser due to its low user base. Lately, using Opera 20, I've been getting the following:
Your browser may not give you the best experience when you're on Chase.com.
We recommend that you use any of the following browsers: Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Firefox 14 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher, and Chrome 26 or higher.
RE: The impending demise of Opera?Future releases
I have been using Opera since Windows 3.1 and I had to pay for it. I have also payed for versions 4, 5, 6 until it became free with version 7. That is why I hate the chromium version since opera 15.
I really don't understand what paying for very early versions of Opera (4,5,6) has to do with hating Chromium versions.
RE: Disabling auto updates, saving certificates, displaying full url and grouping tabs?Opera for Windows
The problem with the disable option from a shortcut is that this option only works when using the shortcut. If you open Opera from an email web link or link form another program (such as Keypass)then update will be active.
Which is precisely the reason why I am so opposed to auto-updating schemes that can't be turned off by a user from within a program itself.
That is my complaint too.The same applies to the command line override of the cache location. It can be a serious issue for those who have SSD drives not being able to fully control cache location or size.
RE: Disabling auto updates, saving certificates, displaying full url and grouping tabs?Opera for Windows
The problem with the disable option from a shortcut is that this option only works when using the shortcut. If you open Opera from an email web link or link form another program (such as Keypass)then update will be active.
RE: Can I Disable Opera 20 Auto Update?Opera for Windows
The problem with the disable option from a shortcut is that this option only works when using the shortcut. If you open Opera from an email web link or link form another program (such as Keypass)then update will be active.
RE: Opera 20 - Another unhappy loyal supporterOpera for Windows
@randyfletcher86 Be prepared to be disappointed. Opera 20 is a mere shadow of old Opera.
Maybe you could let him figure out by himself if its a disappointment. I, for one, am very happy with the new Opera.
RE: OLD IS GOLD, we want new opera with all old stuffOpera for Windows
The devs are developing their own browser.
It doesn't look like they really are. The actual facts show that there is very little to no progress whatsoever with Chropera, just as not a lot of differences between Chrome and Opera 20. Or at least let's say between Opera 20 and Yandex Browser/Coolnovo/Torch/whatever other Chromium-forked browser.
Wrong... but then, why doesn't that surprise me.
First off, there is no Chropera. If I put that into a search engine, nothing substantial comes up other than the crazy imaginings of whiners and complainers. I can find Chrome, Chromium, Safari, Firefox, Seamonkey, Internet Explorer, Opera and several other lesser-known browsers but no Chropera. Sorry... you're mistaken on several counts.Chropera is that word made up by whiners. They think they are so clever when they use "Chropera." The maturity of 3 year olds.
RE: So far, not impressedOpera for Windows
Good tip, lem.
For sure. And as lem said, once found its easy. Finding was the hard part. So, thanks to lem.
Opera should hire lem as a consultant, to find the many things that we have questions on and then to update Opera's documentation with his findings, producing readable documentation for the average user.
RE: Opera annual survey pop-up window: spam?Opera for Windows
Does anyone here believe that a survey can afford to pay 50 Euros to survey taker?
RE: Most Desired Features That Need To Come BackOpera for Windows
I just downloaded Opera what a waste of time. I have used Firefox for years but with their sudden political statement I no longer wanted to use them. Opera I cannot import bookmarks they don't have a search bar or favorites bar Nothing. Guess I will keep searching for a new browser. Opera you just failed to capitalize on a great opportunity.
I agree they failed to capitalize. Bookmarks are so basic to any browser. Opera claims that only about 10% use bookmarks. I find that really hard to believe. I know many who use browsers, ordinary non-geek users. They all use bookmarks. I should know since I help them often enough with their computer issues.
Its ridiculous that there is no easy way to import bookmarks from other browsers. I refused to use Blink before they added the QAB.
Then when they finally added QAB I found the import for my 2700 bookmarks from Opera 12 did not work well. That ended with a huge messed up weirdly ordered speed dial. I had Firefox as a backup to Opera's Presto so I tried moving the Firefox bookmark file to Opera Blink but found the QAB bookmark ordering to be screwed up. Having read that moving the bookmarks file from Chrome to Opera works well, I installed Chrome, used Chrome to import Firefox's bookmarks and then moved the Chrome bookmarks to the Opera folder. Finally, I had my Opera Blink bookmarks set up the way I needed, in the correct order, and without a screwed up Speed Dial.