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lando242 last edited by
Three reasons.
Number 1: Have a look at Opera 15, the first new Opera release after Opera 12. Compare it to Opera 28. The difference is night and day.
Number 2: If they weren't going to release improvements, why would they continue development at all? If they don't change anything it would be a new release.
Number 3: I use the development release of Opera, which is currently version 30. I've been using it for several versions (since it first featured bookmarks). That is to say, I am in the future compared to everyone using the latest stable release. Every time they promote a build of Opera to development release they add features and improve existing ones. If past performance is any indication they will get around to it eventually.
johnsdet last edited by
It depends on if and how you can deal with (serious) bugs and even the possibility of losing data.
On my computer or just Opera?
P.S. Please don't kill my smileys -
johnsdet last edited by
Opera at mostly.
What are some of the possible bugs that I may experience with my computer then?
johnsdet last edited by
On a recent build, drop down menus weren't working.
The latest one may not load pages if you are using XP.
There were cases of crashes also.How fast do new builds come out?
johnsdet last edited by
Take a look here for more info about the streams/channels.
Thanks for the answers! :cheers: