Opera mini says "Could not locate remote server" while all other browsers work fine
shahdali25 last edited by
it works fine only when I browse this website.
I think this is due to saved cookiesTry to clear history and open a site again
rajibshibpur last edited by
I got Also Same Problem Other Browser ok Only Problem on Opera mini
http://songspkmp3.club/ -
mbaluta last edited by
@rajibshibpur, this works for me as well. Please make sure you entered URL correctly and if it still doesn't work, report a bug via https://bugs.opera.com/wizard/mini using your phone.
ridwanzubair1 last edited by
I have been having issues with opera mini for the past 4weeks now. My site; www.9jamindz.com.ng does not load on Opera Mini but the same site opens on all other mobile browser. Please can you help me fix it asap.
Thanks. -
cainerland last edited by
i am having exactly the same issue also , its visible to all other browsers
http://www.farmers.co.zw -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
i am having exactly the same issue also , its visible to all other browsers
http://www.farmers.co.zwPage loaded fine here.
Deleted User last edited by
@leocg, its not
showing Error with " You tried to access the address http://www.farmers.co.zw/ , which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
Request timed out while loading "http://www.farmers.co.zw/" -
naveen1992opera last edited by
Back in 2013, I too faced the same problem, in which my blog is not displaying properly. I found a solution for that, and wrote a page about it.
Have a look here . . http://csswish.blogspot.com/2013/12/customize-blogger-blog-for-opera-mini.html@kashmiribora, you are right, it is a proxy server issue. Not exactly about proxy kinda thing. It is better to be called as mobile rendering of a desktop site.
try loading mobile compatible version of a site.. eg., m.opera.com , m.facebook.com like that....
nesongs last edited by
i`m facing the same issue here in Opera mini here is my portal http://nesongs.com , i wish u will fix this issue as soon as possible.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
i`m facing the same issue here in Opera mini here is my portal http://nesongs.com , i wish u will fix this issue as soon as possible.
Page loads here.
Deleted User last edited by
sometimes I found the same error while browsing http://audiosongtube.com ... Whats the problem!
cainerland last edited by
hie thanks for response for some other guys this may be a point to take note . opera was previously i.p blocked by my hosting provider saying there was some i.p range blockage due to spamming , and this invariant included opera i.p's range
. in reference to all my sites ie http://www.farmers.co.zw/ and ended up having website being inaccessible.thanks guys
songsfree last edited by
opera is my first internet browser. but something problem opera browser on my samsung j7. i can't access some websites.
http://300mb-movies.xyz/problem faces this sites are view on deck stop mode. please do something on opera browser.
jackob11 last edited by
Problem happens again.
Everytime I want to go google everytime it says " Could not locate remote server
You tried to access the address http://www.google.com/m?q=g&client=ms-opera-mini-android&channel=new , which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
Make sure your internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working"
All other websites works fine but without Google. -
songsbling last edited by
please solve this my all website are not working opera every time page can not be found
http://lyricsbling.comall are hosted on same server
mbaluta last edited by
@songsbling, it works correctly for me. Can you please post a screenshot of the error page?
A Former User last edited by
i encounter this kind of problem too. but only sometimes. usually happened when the phone idling, then i want to access websites(m.facebook.com especially), this problem occur. i try to fox this by exit the app, clear it and access it one more time. usually it works. but hey, we don't want this kind of problem occur isn't it? didn't happen while using Opera Mobile.
ronohasan last edited by
while visitiong http://androidrace.com I found the same error in previous day