Opera product becoming overcomplicated
Konst88 last edited by
Years ago I came upon this product, it was simple to use, clear and elegant design and not a big drain on system resources unlike chrome or ie. Now it seems like opera is wanting to do more like adding these colored tabs, that I'm having problem changing the order of. It seems like they want to overcomplicate the product and also the increased memory load is making want to change platform. Bigger is not better.
Leighsong last edited by
I cant blame Opera. All computer oriented stuffs has gotten complicated, especially for a user who doesn't wanna know about computers. I'm pretty techy and constantly fixed Windows for mom and dad. My linux machine ran an outdated version of linux for so many years. It just worked. I recently purchased a new computer with updated everything. Getting Linux to run bug free on it was like freaking mind boggling. Fix something simple, then 3 other things break kinna thing. I'm back up to snuff after over 10 years of not staying up to date, but the learning curve was frustrating to say the least.
Kinna like when my 18 yr old nephew discovered he needed someone to teach him cursive so he could sign his name on stuff... I was like ... you did graduate highschool right? LOL ... Sometimes we just are like... What the ...blah!!!! hehe
Firefox beats opera in the long run, but it takes some tweaking. Firefox is still open source making it more tweakable
just my two cents... Not that I don't like Opera. It's cool browser. Just need a backup to do stuffs Opera freaks out about.