Opera password import not showing up
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
At the URL
in Opera GX (not regular Opera), there's an Opera 15+ import option for importing from the regular Opera that's installed on the system. The import option is not sync-related. It just imports from regular Opera's profile folder. -
hotdogman10 last edited by hotdogman10
@burnout426 Sorry i forgot to clarify i was using opera gx but used that option and it worked quite a few times before. I have never had the original opera but when ever i would select that option it would import all my logins and such from the opera before i reset my pc. Is there any way for my to get my logins back ?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@hotdogman10 I don't see how that option could have worked like you said it did. The old profile before you reset your PC wouldn't be available to import from after the PC was reset.
Now, using Opera Sync, on the other hand, could work if all of your stuff was properly synced before you reset your PC. If that didn't happen correctly and your data is not at https://www.sync.opera.com/, you're out of luck.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You click the profile icon on the right side of the address bar, click "Sign in" and sign in. Then, when you get redirected back to https://auth.opera.com/account/edit-profile, click the "Show me" button for "View your synchronized data", which will take you to the URL
where you then turn on "Sync everything" and close that tab to start syncing. If you used a custom passphrase before, you'll want to enable that option under "Encryption options" on that page first. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@hotdogman10 You can check your Opera version in opera://about.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@hotdogman10 Just for curiosity, why do you need to reset your system so often?
hotdogman10 last edited by
@leocg Thanks for the help but someone above helped me sort it as for the reason i reset my pc quite often it's kind of embarrassing but it's a habit i picked up when i had a shitty computer that would constantly crash but whenever i reset it it would be fine for about 2 months or so. Now it's more of a paranoia thing the reason i reset it this time is because i got a windows defender alert about a trojan and sure it said it stopped it but i just couldn't get it out of my head so i decided to just reset it. Thanks again for the help.
hotdogman10 last edited by
@burnout426 Thank you so much i was worried quite a bit but turns out all i had to do was click sync everything then click the x and not just click sync everything then click sync nothing again because i thought it wasn't working. Thanks again for the help.