[Solved]Accessing Advanced Settings to enable word wrap
sporty78 last edited by leocg
Version: 95.0.4635.90
Clearly, I am missing a detail but how are Advanced Settings accessed?
'History,' the tab was positioned below 'Settings' but, at this point, it is 'hidden.'
sporty78 last edited by sporty78
I am being unclear so, as a result, let's try this again.
Currently, when using Hotmail in Opera, text does not automatically 'adjust' at the end of each line (as it does automatically when using Hotmail in Firefox='Text Wrap' or 'Word-Break').
As a result, I have to press 'Enter' manually at the end of each line, which I do not want to do.
.What is 'the fix?'
sporty78 last edited by sporty78
Only FF and O are installed.
As for Firefox, even though Ads are blocked (on the right side of the page), there is a 'blank panel' so, subsequently, text 'wraps' automatically at the end of each line.
However, in (and even though ads are blocked), there is no right pael so, subsequently, text 'extends' to the end of the line before changing to the next line.