Upload of the image not working
fuzi1968 last edited by
Just tried to upload an image on this forum for the previous bug but doesn't work with
"L:\Name1 Name2\Bugs\Opera\Missing bookmark name\2023-07-19_07-11-41.jpg"
Upload as "L:\Name1 Name2\OperaBug.jpg" has worked (as you can see with my previous bug report).
Using Opera since version 6.
fuzi1968 last edited by leocg
All tests with MS Edge 114.0.1823.82
Testupload of image from "L:\Name1 Name2\Bugs\Opera\Missing bookmark name\2023-07-19_07-11-41.jpg" (fails)
Upload from "L:\Name1 Name2\2023-07-19_07-11-41.jpg" (ok)

Upload from "L:\Name1 Name2\Bugs\Opera\MBN\2023-07-19_07-11-41.jpg" (ok).

Upload from "L:\Name1 Name2\Bugs\Opera\Missing bookmark\2023-07-19_07-11-41.jpg" (ok)

It looks like multiple spaces inside a path part "Missing bookmark name" is the reason why it fails.
I hope this helps.
Using Opera since version 6.