General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg said
There are high chances.
Do you believe Opera Norway knows something about the browser market and user preferences that Alphabet Inc. does not have full overview over?
You sure are a fanboy. Bonne chance.
zauberfritz last edited by
To many colors, too intense, too frivolous, to crowded, busy etc. Like happened earlier, the tab icons are muddy, crammed; you can't find your tabs anymore. A browser is not a Christmas tree.
flaviu2 last edited by
I pretty sure they would not make Opera browser back to the previous design, they worked too much on this one to do that.
I noticed Opera is most likely Mozilla as look and feel. It is a matter of taste, I agree. Personally, I prefer steady design like Edge or Chrome. For business case, 99% users prefer that. Maybe Opera browser doesn't target those users.
In my opinion, even Opera GX looks better than Opera One, because tab area is coupled with address bar. And if Opera One looks like Mozilla does, at least Mozilla stretch the view on the entire screen. Better ! I don't expect Opera team hear us, if Opera has telemetry, maybe they see how many users give up using Opera ...
weirdtuned last edited by leocg
The new design of v.100 sucks a lot: too vibrant highlights, tacky and absolutely disgusting layout - the rounded outlines on search panel, bookmarks panel and extension panel make it all feel so unnecessary disjointed along with the weird "bundling" of tabs into separate outlines. All of this is annoying visual clutter. In other words, I don't want the excessive GX's style thrown into a cosy pristine browser that Opera pre-100 was. I hate these eye-popping acid purples thrown into my browser, and if you're going as far might as well give us the option to completely colour-correct our browser with custom colours for everything.
One more thing - Opera devs, hello, we aren't on mobile phones, we don't need to have stuff at the bottom of the sidebar when all of our tab interactions are happening upstairs, duh. The person who decided to move the sidebar icons down and not give an option to switch back needs to get their head bonked real hard. Hopefully, this is a bug, because I still have hope that some devs at Opera have figments of sense left inside. -
InfinityApps last edited by
I will never install the update for the new UI. It is horrible.
Please show me where and when users requested this new UI?
voom108 last edited by
Seemingly opposed to most of the posts on the new design, I must say that I really like the design; it matches Windows 11 design philosophy and is better integrated visually than even edge.
It seems the interface is very efficient, as it runs much faster than any other browser on my system, even with my basic set of plugins installed and running.
The design also reminds me of the interface, which I like a lot.
What I find to be true, is that customizability for now is mostly nonexistent. I expect, though, that it will be (re)added in the future.
The tab islands are great; it would be nice to be able to close a complete island with one click.
voom108 last edited by
In addition to the previous post, ad customizing - I would like to be able to move the sidebar to the right.
flaviu2 last edited by
@voom108 said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
It seems the interface is very efficient
Really ? And why if you accidentally put the mouse maxim right (or left) and scroll, nothing happen ? Why ? Because the view is not stretched on whole view, because of actual "beautiful" design.
And why I don't match always the current tab with the associated address bar, and that's also because of this "beautiful" design ...
Honestly, this design its a crap.
voom108 last edited by
@flaviu2 It surely is a matter of taste, not "objectifiable"... I have no issues with scrolling, but the browser is on the center screen anyway, so I can't "press the mousepointer to the edge of the screen" anyway. I move it to a sidescreen to test, what you are referring to, but can't really say I find that an issue there as well. I scroll with the wheel of the trackball, I use the keyboard for jumping to top and bottom and grab the scrollbar for faster movements on the screen, though page up and page down are also an option for that. I guess it is all a matter of habits. It can be hard to change those, but often it is worth the effort.
That said, I suppose stuff like this can be solved in the code without dismantling the overall design concept.
voom108 last edited by
@flaviu2 said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
And why I don't match always the current tab with the associated address bar, and that's also because of this "beautiful" design ...
Also, what is the issue with that anyway? The active tab is highlighted nicely, why would it need to be "attached" to the address bar? This "pill" design for tabs can be found in many apps now, and is part of the design changes MS introduced with Windows 11. In apps like "Groupy" or I can choose to have the pills, or the attached tabs. Maybe the themes for Opera One could be more flexible in that matter in the future. Or use Vivaldi, which is insanely customizable - but also buggy in comparison, probably that is a prize to pay for that level of customizability. I am switching from Vivaldi to Opera One now, because I really like the new concept and while I appreciate more customizability in the future, I am quite content with what it has already.
A Former User last edited by
@voom108 said
and grab the scrollbar for faster movements on the screen
That is what you canโt do by moving the cursor to the right edge of a maximized window. As opposed to all other main browsers.
voom108 last edited by
@vegelund Hmm, you mean grabbing the scrollbar is not possible at all, or only if the cursor is "touching" the edge of the screen all the way? I probably have never scrolled that way, touching the edge, because I always had several screens and would jump to the next screen if I tried that anyways.
Hesminewho last edited by
i would advise to rethink the whole design. most of it has already been said. annoying sidebar and the edge gap of the screen are the worst. at this point i recommend to go back to an older version of opera.
funfact: in germany we would call this "verschlimmbessern" (improve for the worse)
A Former User last edited by
@voom108 said
@vegelund Hmm, you mean grabbing the scrollbar is not possible at all, or only if the cursor is "touching" the edge of the screen all the way?
The latter. Very relevant for people who use laptops and one screen.
DarthModred last edited by
on my pc i did clean install... it was awful, default fonts worked incorrect, making all text be it in ui or webpages unbearable to look, so i switched back to edge
herbstpoet last edited by leocg
I just created that account just because the new design is so terrible. Seriously, if you want me to change to another browser, just tell me instead of hitting me in the face with this abomination. I can only repeat what has been said by others.
Speed dial is way too small now. Too much space between address bar and view, and between tabs and address, and so on. Even maximized the browser acts like a smaller window, making it impossible to scroll if you move the mouse to the edge on the left or right side. The rounded view makes no sense, is just ugly and creates too much empty unused space on a monitor. That eye raping purple color for highlighting. Moving the icons on the side bar to the bottom is stupid, my mouse movements are usually in the upper half of the monitor.